Friday, December 28, 2012


None of the Yea voters have any regard for anyone, including those who stupidly went with the flow and believed in them enough to vote for them.  They are all petty wannabe tyrants. 

I made the mistake of voting for Southerland twice because I didn't listen to my heart and listened instead to the cacophony of white noise around me.  I won't make that mistake again.

So I am proposing to Bay County and Panama City, to form a group to meet in a neutral place to prepare presentations on our grievances and to demand to be heard as a group when our elected officials are in town, in our district.  No more nice guys and gals.  We have to hold them accountable for their actions. 

Please leave a message for me in response to this.  AS SOON AS I GET YOUR INFO, I WILL DELETE THE MESSAGE.  I am very much on fire from KrisAnne Hall's ( time spent on WYOO-FM (101.1) and her substitute duty for the past two weeks for Derrell Day and Burnie Thompson.  She did a fantastic, fierce job and she's someone, ladies, to emulate.

I for one, will be leaving the Republican Party. It serves no purpose.  It has destroyed itself.  I would never be a Democrat - ever.  I am probably going to become an Independent, though my heart is now thoroughly Libertarian.

But no matter who we throw at the wall who sticks, they must know who is pulling their strings.  AND THAT'S US!

On my agenda is to form a really vibrant Libertarian Party in Bay County, specifically in Panama City.
If you are considering changing parties, I will direct you to Pete Blome of the Ft. Walton Beach Libertarians.
It's time we make this party viable and energetic.  We need people eligible to vote in the next election, young singles, families, and those with gray hair who aren't afraid to organize, to vent, to pass out literature,  to register voters, converse on talk shows and expose the wrongs of the Republicrats, and promote the Libertarian Party.  You with me?  All you need is to be pro-Constitution, and be a lover of freedom and liberty.  Think about your school children know what freedom and liberty are?  Have they ever felt it when they are besieged with rules like helmets and kneepads to ride their bicycles?  I hate that!  So what if they fall.  They'll get up with bloody knees and remember what they did in life.  Like with bullies.
My son was in grade school and terrified of a wiry little monster who made his paper route and class time horrific.  Until my son slugged him.  The parents met and they never had a problem again.  That's how it is with bullies.  That's how it is with elected officials too.  We're going to give you a "black eye" when you least expect it (at election time) if you don't respect our power. 

Let's do it.  We aren't effective alone as parties of one.  But if we got 20 people in a room each with a problem to be solved and a demand for accountability from an elected official, we would come away very proud.

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