Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today's Headlines:  Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rep. Gohmert Nominated Newt Gingrich to Replace John Boehner as Speaker Mark Levin on Lessons Learned in Presidential Election: ‘We Ought to Nominate a Conservative’

Obama: Voters Reelected Me to Make Sure Wealthy Pay More Taxes

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Obama Administration Gave Petraeus's Wife a $187,605-Per-Year Job
Rep. Gohmert: Name Independent Counsel to Investigate Obama on Benghazi

Senators Hit Back at Obama Over Rice, Benghazi: ‘You Failed as Commander in Chief’

Obama: Hurricane Sandy Response 'How I Want the Federal Gov't to Operate Generally'

Obama Says He Doesn't Know If FBI Should Have Informed Him of CIA Director’s Affair
New Mexico Not Waiting for Feds to Boost Mental Health Services for Returning Veterans
Pelosi: 'My Conversations With The President Are Not Ones That I Share'

Obama on Not Being Informed of Affair: ‘We’re Not Supposed to Meddle in Criminal Investigations’

Rep. Steve King: Fire Eric Holder
Ayotte: ‘Outrageous’ That Holder Knew of Petraeus Affair for Months Before Obama Was Informed

Billions in Education Stimulus Funding Produces 'Fuzzy' Job-Creation Picture

U.S., Australia Make ‘A Major Leap Forward’ on Space Surveillance
Obama: I Predicted ‘Strong’ Latino Turnout Would Cause GOP to Reflect on Immigration Reform
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Sex Beats Benghazi
By Ben Shapiro
Here's the brutal truth: The American people seem far more interested in what happens in the bedroom than they do what happens on the battlefield. How else to explain the media's fascination with CIA Director David Petraeus' steamy sex scandal, even as they ignore the ramifications for the investigation of four murdered Americans in Benghazi?


Jindal rebukes Romney for saying Obama owes reelection to "gifts" he gave out
Hostess tells striking workers: back to work or company liquidates; 18,000 jobs at stake
Obama defends Rice on Benghazi, says critics 'should go after me'
Sebelius subpoenaed over efforts to promote healthcare reform
Warren Buffett backs Hillary Clinton for 2016
Paula Broadwell abandoned her bid for a Harvard doctorate in 2007
BP in “advanced discussions” to settle criminal penalties in Gulf disaster
Newark teachers union approves landmark contract offering merit pay bonuses
Emanuel seeks to make city vending machine fare healthier

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