Tuesday, November 27, 2012



Remember, our country was formed on the Judeo-Christian ethic. 

When I was growing up, especially in grammar school, we celebrated everyone's holidays.  The Roman Catholic kids went off to Catechism class (release time) at 2 p.m. every Wednesday.  Didn't matter to us.
The Jewish kids enjoyed their holidays and were excused with good cheer and respect.  We cut out snowflakes, Christmas trees, Hanukkah bushes, Pilgrims, turkeys, Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, colored Hallowe'en jack-o-lanterns, exchanged Valentine cards.

Who cared?  We all enjoyed the holidays together.

What the hell happened?

Celebrating holidays together (or not) wasn't a big deal.

My friend Lois' mother was Italian, Roman Catholic.  She married a Jew.  They celebrated both Hanukkah and Christmas  -  a tree in the living room and menorahs in the windows.  We exchanged little gifts - from grammar school on.  She helped trim our trees, I helped with theirs.  I remember I gave her a pair of white ceramic angels one year for Christmas.  During phone conversations preceding our 46th high school reunion,
she said she still had them in a special place.

Liberals are strange people.  There is no joy in liberal/socialist/atheist Obamaland, the land of state, control and political correctness.  They seem to thrive on ridicule and promoting dysfunction and divisiveness. 

This holiday season, whatever you're celebrating, check and see what your children's schools are promoting or not, and let the principal, teacher and superintendent of schools know how you feel, and if you are shopping and traditional holiday celebration is not being promoted at your stores, tell the manager you aren't parting with your cash to purchase from them.  I can't think of any other way to say NO.

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