Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I am attaching two resolutions that were authored by Virginia State Senator Virgil Goode to show what a long-standing honorable and constitutional person he is.  He is currently running for the office of president under the Constitution Party. 
Does he have a chance to win?  Most likely, “No”!  You must realize that both the Republican and Democrat Parties are controlled.
 Nevertheless, I thought you would be interested in seeing Virgil Goode’s resolutions.  He is a public figure who should have more attention.
Second Amendment Committee

H. CON. RES. 487 (Introduced-in-House)

2D Session
                                                                                                    H. CON. RES. 487
Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.

                                                                                               IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                                                                                                                SEPTEMBER 28, 2006

Mr. GOODE (for himself, Mr. PAUL, Mr. JONES of North Carolina, and Mr. TANCREDO) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was. referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction ofthe committee concerned

                                                                                                        CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter in~o a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.

Whereas, according to the Department of Commerce, United States trade deficits with Mexico and Canada have significantly widened since the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA);

Whereas the economic and physical security of the United States is impaire9 by the potential loss of control of its borders attendant to the full operation of NAFTA;

Whereas a NAFTA Superhighway System from the west coast of Mexico through the United States and into Canada has been suggested as part of a North American Union;

Whereas it would be particularly difficult for Americans to collect insurance from Mexican companies which employ Mexican drivers involved in accidents in the United States, which would increase the insurance rates for American drivers;

Whereas future unrestricted foreign trucking into the United States can pose a safety hazard due to inadequate maintenance and inspection, and can act collaterally as a conduit for the entry into the United States of illegal drugs, illegal human smuggling, and terrorist activities; and

Whereas a NAFTA Superhighway System would be funded by foreign consortiums and controlled by foreign management, which threatens the sovereignty of the United States: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That --

1)  the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System;

(2)  the United States should not enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada; and

(3)  the President should indicate strong opposition to these or any other proposals that threaten the sovereignty ofthe United States.

http://www.thomas.govlhome/gpoxm1cl 09/hc487_ih.xml

                                                                                        1989 SESSION
SP6935119                                                                                                     ENGROSSED

                                                                                                        SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 175
                                                                         Senate Amendments In [ I. January 31, 1989

Memorializing Congress to enter into no treaty abridging the Bill of Rlghts contained in the Constitution of the United States.


                                                                                                                Referred to the CommIttee on Rules

WHEREAS, Article VI of the Constitution of the United States provides in part that the " .....ConstitutIon...and all treaties made...under the authority of the United States...shall be the supreme law of the land_"; and

WHEREAS, VIrginians join with other Americans In the strongly held conviction that, whatever Its possible, imperfections, they would not trade theIr form of government and its blessings of individual liberty and personal freedom for any other on earth; and

WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States vests the President of the United States, subject to the advice and consent of the United States Senate, with the power to make treaties with foreign governments; and

WHEREAS, treaties so made become a part of "the supreme law of the land"; and

WHEREAS, In recent years the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, has entered Into several far-reaching multilateral treaties on human rights, arms control, and other subjects dealt with in the Constitution itself, particularly the first ten amendments thereto known collectively as the Blll of RIghts; and

WHEREAS, it is highly desirable that, in endeavoring aggressively to promote and defend for the inhabitants of other countries the human rights and personal dignity we hold so dear, the federal government take every conceivable precaution that custody over our liberties is not surrendered to foreign powers or any International organization; now therefore be it and ]

[ WHEREAS, the tenth amendment to the Constitution provides that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people; now, therefore, be It ]

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the Congress; of the United States Is hereby memorialized vigilantIy to - guard against the abridgement or erosion, through the treaty-making process, of the freedoms guaranteed to all Americans through the Blll of RIghts contained in the Constitution of the United States; and, be It

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolution to the President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, and the members of the VirginIa delegation to the United States Congress in order that they may be apprised of the sense of the General Assembly of VIrginia.

Clerk of the Senate Clerk of the House of Delegates

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