Friday, August 31, 2012


Since when did "illegal aliens" morph into "undocumented workers?"

Does this mean they work 'off the books?'

Or does it mean they take public benefits stolen from "documented workers; (aka 'taxpayers')

Send that damn bus where it belongs.....south of the border.

Comment and article compliments of "Merlin".

Undocumented workers hope to exit shadows

Call attention to their plight, fight for reform

The No Papers No Fear Ride For Justice delegation left Phoenix on July 29 with the ultimate destination of the Democratic National Convention.
The No Papers No Fear Ride For Justice delegation left Phoenix on July 29 with the ultimate destination of the Democratic National Convention. / Special to the Citizen-Times

ASHEVILLEOrganize, and live without fear.

A national group of undocumented immigrants are conveying that message in a cross-country bus trip, which made a stop Thursday evening in Asheville. The No Papers No Fear Ride For Justice delegation left Phoenix on July 29 with the ultimate destination of the Democratic National Convention.
The bus holds about 30 people, although different undocumented immigrants have joined and left since the trip began. Martin Unzueta, 58, of Chicago, joined the tour last weekend in Atlanta.
“We want to be heard by the politicians,” Unzueta said. “We are not criminals. We’re hard workers here in the United States. We work. We pay taxes. And we don’t have rights. We are fighting for our rights.”
The traveling undocumented immigrants have been sharing their stories of living in the shadows and supporting immigrant communities throughout the country. About 100 people gathered for food, story-telling and encouragement at the Western North Carolina Community Health Services Fellowship Hall on Haywood Road.
Loida Ginocchio-Silva, a local undocumented immigrant, said she is working for immigration reform that puts people first. “Immigration laws right now are impractical,” Ginocchio-Silva said. “They only make sense for people who have money and who have a lot of resources. It just doesn’t make sense.”
Unzueta said the bus tour shows that organization, education and courage can go a long way. The words “No Papers No Fear” are painted on the bus with “Journey For Justice” underneath. On the other side, the same words are in Spanish.
“Why immigration doesn’t come get us?” Unzueta asked. “Because we are organized and because we have big support from all around the United States.”
Some undocumented immigrants on Thursday shared their stories of encounters with law enforcement, including a few of the people who were detained May 15 in Jackson County by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in connection with traffic checkpoints set up by the Sheriff’s Office.
The No Papers No Fear group plans to visit the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office today.
“We’re tired of checkpoints targeting our communities,” Ginocchio-Silva said. “People should have the right to move freely and to live a life with dignity and without fear.”
After leaving the Haywood Road location, many of the undocumented immigrants and their supporters went to Shogun Buffet Hibachi Grill and Sushi, 1000 Brevard Road, for a rally. Shogun was the site of an immigration raid that led to the detention of 12 restaurant workers.
The group plans to go to Raleigh before attending the DNC next week in Charlotte.

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