Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Be so careful.  Watch where you're going; if it's a huge event, be very wary of even attending.  Be careful going into government office buildings, to conventions.  It could come as an explosion; it could come as a mass execution by firearms.  A bridge collapse;  a tunnel collapse. A freakish airline accident.  Whatever it is, to make us understand the power of government, if it happens, it will have to eliminate thousands of souls - even more than 911. 

Who knows?  I am not an evil person.  I can't conceive of anyone being infected with such hate and power that this is a possibility.  But the coven in DC have.

This could all be just "talk".  But then why has so much armament been purchased by DHS and other government agencies.  The ammunition are for killing;  they are not target rounds.

Remember what Sun Tzu said:  "Kill one, educate thousands."

Don't leave  your cave without a club.

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