Sunday, July 29, 2012


Remember Canada’s Threat To Sell Oil To China, O? It Meant That


President Green Jobs and his environmentalist wackos really showed us, didn’t they?

The political naivete of Barack Hussein Obama is incredible. Yep, President Green Jobs thought he could kill the Keystone XL Pipeline Project until after the election (to keep the environmentalist wackos in line), and then simply change his mind and all would be well with the labor unions – and the rest of the country – who thought he was a pandering hypocrite for vetoing the pipeline the first place.
Following his announcement to kill the pipeline, the Canadian government vowed – before O’s teleprompter had cooled down – to sell its oil elsewhere, saying it could no longer rely on the reliability of the United States as its primary oil trading partner.

Guess what, O? Canada meant that.

China’s state-run oil company CNOOC is on the verge of finalizing a $15.1 billion deal – the largest ever foreign acquisition by a Chinese company -with Canadian oil company Nexen to purchase oil that would have flowed through the Keystone Pipeline to America. As a result, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) are in full backpedal mode.

This concept is completely incomprehensible to O, Pelosi, Schumer & Co. – a government making a declarative statement and actually following through on it. You see, on Planet Liberal Looney Tunes, everything Democrats say and do is political – solely designed to placate different groups at different times – all for the purpose of winning elections and clinging to power. That Canada could make a such a bold (business) decision – and actually follow through on that decision is as foreign to liberals as is exercise to Michael Moore.
Here are Schumer and Pelosi, whose panic would be hysterical – if the topic weren’t so serious:
In a letter to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), Schumer wrote:
“I respectfully urge you, in your capacity as chairman of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), to withhold approval of this transaction to ensure U.S. companies reciprocal treatment.”
You’re barking up the wrong tree, Chuck; your president destroyed the possibility of “reciprocal treatment” for U.S. companies by killing the pipeline. (But hey – the environmentalist wackos are happy, right?)
Incredibly – although completely predictably – the San Fran Loon went even farther by blaming the Chinese:
“This deal prompts great concern about the Chinese government’s continued attempts to use its state-owned enterprises to acquire global energy resources.”
Earth to Nancy: The “great concern” which should be “prompted” is about your party (O) playing politics in the face of economic and security threats to the United States, you moron.
In addition to making all decisions with an eye on the voting booth, another fatal flaw in the liberal thinking process is the concept that the United States somehow operates in a vacuum – a world with no bad guys, competitors, nor countries who seek to capitalize (literally, in this case) on America’s mistakes. We see it in their childlike position on water-boarding (“torture”). A dyed-in-the-wool liberal would rather deny that he/she would use water-boarding to stop an imminent nuclear attack on the United States – or the murder of his/her family, for that matter – than admit to the ridiculousness of the position.
So it went with O and the Keystone Pipeline; he naively believed that Canada would sit idly by until after the election – when he would, of course, reverse his position (Damn, Canada – haven’t you seen how this guy operates?), and play nice with the pipeline.

The only problem for O – and America – is that Canada wasn’t bluffing.

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