Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 Found this in a Google search after a conversation with a friend.  He mentioned an article he read in the Navy Times 30 years ago about relinquishing our sovereignty by using our military to disarm us, surrendering us to the United Nations. 

AND PUT OUR ENTIRE U. S. ARMED FORCES UNDER COMMUNIST CONTROL -- go to these Internet sites for proof from U.S. Government sources.
If you go to the library, ask the librarian to show you how to get into the United States Government Code Books. They contain the laws of the United States that are approved and in effect. The law for General and Complete Disarmament is known as Public Law 87-297. Look for it under Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse: Section 2551, 2552, 2571 & 2573. So that you will know what you are looking for, the following is a brief description of four key sections and their Internet locations.
IN SECTION 2551, you will find the Statement of Purpose, which is to make the world free from scourge of war and the danger and burdens of armaments; in which the use of force has been subordinated to the rule of law, and in which international adjustments to a changing world are achieved peacefully. Locate this Section on the Internet at:
IN SECTION 2552, you will find a definition of what the U. S. Government means by the term “disarmament”. It reads:
(a) The terms “arms control” and “disarmament” mean the identification, verification, inspection, limitation, control, reduction, or elimination, of armed forces and armaments of all kinds under international agreement including the necessary steps taken under such an agreement to establish an effective system of international control, or to create and strengthen international organizations for the maintenance of peace.
Locate this Section on the Internet at:
The policy book published by the State Department that details this law is called Freedom from War -- The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. It documents the elimination of our armed forces on a permanent basis. We shall have no more Army, no more Navy, no more Marine Corps, and no more Air Force! It also calls for the elimination of armaments of all kinds, and they do mean ALL civilian owned guns. Look for this booklet at: http://www.mikenew.com/pub7277.html
IN SECTION 2571, you will find the Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency is authorized and directed, under the direction of the president, to achieve a long list of goals numbered from (a) through (m) which massively diminishes our defense capabilities, ravages our security, and obliterates our sovereignty. Elimination of armed forces and armaments is listed twice in this section. It also includes the requirement for elimination of conventional weapons. As we witness the conduct of public officials as they encroach upon the unalienable right of the people to keep and bear arms, and witness the disregard for the non-repealable status of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, it gives proof of the true intent behind the terms “conventional weapons“, and “general and complete disarmament”. The pursuit is for total and complete disarmament of the United States and its people, and for the surrender of U.S. sovereignty to international communist dominated organizations. State Department Publication 7277 makes these facts indisputable. Locate this Section on the Internet at:
IN SECTION 2573, you will find “Policy Formation”. It contains two prohibitions; one states, “No action shall be taken pursuant to this chapter or any other Act that would obligate the United States to reduce or limit the Armed Forces or armaments of the United States in a militarily significant manner, except pursuant to the treaty-making power of the President, or unless authorized by the enactment of further legislation by the Congress of the United States. Realize that the U.S. president and the Congress hold the power to activate their complete disarmament goals! Then it will be permissible for the United States to reduce or eliminate Armed Forces and armaments, and to prohibit individuals from the acquisition, possession, or use of firearms. The second prohibition is a swinging door. It was first added in 1963, at which time the federal government tried to silence the heavy public outcry when word got around that two years prior, in 1961, John F. Kennedy had signed the Disarmament Law: Public Law 87-297! That resulted in adding the following disclaimer: “Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to authorize any policy or action by any Government Agency which would interfere with, restrict, or prohibit the acquisition, possession, or use of firearms by an individual for the lawful1 purpose of personal defense, sport, recreation, education, or training.”2 At times this disclaimer is removed; other times (for the convenience of the government) it is entered back again, depending upon the extent of the outcry. Locate this Section on the Internet at:
Note: Ever since Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged enactment of a New World Order, and called it “The New Deal”, every United States president since has favored this General and Complete Disarmament Law, which is a component of global government planning. Harry Truman officiated in signing the United States under the obligation of the United Nations Charter and began to implement globalism. The United Nations professes to be ‘peaceful’ and claims that “the use of force is subordinated to the rule of law”. It believes “international adjustments to a changing world can be achieved peacefully”. Has anyone ever heard of a workable law where there is no force behind it? The U.N. was built to have the only army in the world and all nations would have to give troops and access over their territory to the powerful U.N. Security Council.3 Neither the U.S. presidents nor the Congress are vested with the power to deprive this nation of its military; nor to prohibit the people from owning arms; nor to overthrow the Constitution! Meanwhile, the newly established Homeland Security (a militarized “agency” composed of un-elected persons over which the people have no power, have not voted for, nor have any way to remove them from office), is being given more and more authority and federal money to expand its control over the people of this nation. “Consent of the governed” has never been given to any president to engage in these pursuits. Whenever the current President George W. Bush4 speaks of “peace”, “freedom”, “a safer world”, and “a more peaceful world” -- it is the 1961 General and Complete Disarmament Law to which he is referring.
1 Once the total disarmament law is enforced, there will be no recognized ‘lawful’ purpose left to protect the right of individuals.
2 Note that neither national defense nor tyranny is included as reasons for the people to retain possession and use of arms.
3 The global-minded resolutions that are passed in the United Nations are sent to the heads of state of all member nations for enactment within their own country.
4 Pres. George W. Bush, is the grandson of Senator Prescott Bush from Connecticut, who in 1961 helped push passage of Public Law 87-297 through the Congress. Pres. George Herbert Walker Bush (Prescott’s son) signed Public Law 101-216, an amendment to Public Law 87-297, and it includes a repeat of the definition you see in Section 2552 on the reverse side of this page.

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