Tuesday, June 19, 2012



June 17, 2012   |   Issue #521
Evil thinks that if a lie is repeated enough, eventually it will become  the truth. Evil thinks Americans are really stupid.  Evil comes in all shapes and sizes and has only one agenda called UN Agenda 21. Evil has dusted off this old soviet planned development designed to provide less to the people while giving the government more and more power. 
Evil agreed to use the destruction of the environment as its fear factor, to restrict those evil humans - especially Americans while demanding the developed countries -especially America pay to equalize wealth.  After all, those poor undeveloped countries should have the same material things as the developed countries.  Think, after already stealing trillions from  developed countries why do we still have poverty, disease, hunger?  Perhaps it is because when Evil steals money, they pocket money and forget to redistribute. 
Let's follow the money.  Billions on a yearly bases are collected for the UN. Evil  uses this money to:  go on trips, build new buildings, have parties, seminars, studies, military, war, experiments, procedures, plans, buy propaganda and create huge armies of volunteers.  Notice anything missing?  Aid to an underdeveloped country usually comes in the form of a loan collateralized by land for some green sustainable scheme that rarely works but costs a fortune.  The Evil gives the government of that country money if they buy into the lies.  The government  uses the money for more partying and some sustainability project.  Eventually that government has to repay its loan, not to worry, Evil will trade their money for land.  Do you get the picture? Do you see how this works? Evil runs the UN: Must see video See all 5 parts.
What about the people?  Sorry they are still unemployed, starving, diseased and living in tents and huts.  Propaganda pieces beg you for just $19.95 a month to feed a starving child.  How many years are we fooled by the same child? Think, where did the $2Billion collected for Haiti go?  Why are Haitians still living in cardboard boxes and tents?  But please open your wallet and give to Haiti. Had enough yet?
This week one of the most Evil hoaxes ever perpetrated on the world will commence in RIO.  This conference will again try to tell everyone that the earth and all animals have rights and by infringing on those rights Americans have destroyed the planet.  Americans and the western world must pay for their sins. You will be told to restrict your consumption of food, water, living quarters and energy.  Your land and freedom will be taken for the good of the collective and you will will be taxed in order to pay for the lavish life style of Evil so they can become richer and more famous using the very things they tell you are off limits or "not sustainable."    Go to CFACT.tv  Watch for yourself. See how they live la vida loca, while telling you living standards must be lowered.  They went to the resort and we get the bill.
This is the Wish list for the attendees:  Wish list
You get the bill, a family of four will owe $1352 per year to start.
In addition you will get to follow the lies created by Evil as they must trick you into believing all you must give up to save the planet. I don't know about you but my cat doesn't like to live in Florida with out air conditioning.   Now that she is equal to me,  she won't do her part, she won't cook or clean or work. Wait a minute... we need an entitlement program for cats, just $19.95 a month. The lies continue.
Join me on the radio on Tuesday, 3-4EST, June 19, 2012 with guest back by popular demand, Charlotte Iserbyt. 
Karen Schoen, AgEnder
Dan Peterson, Executive Director for the Coalition for Property Rights in Orlando, Florida, lived in Communist Soviet Union in the 80's and 90's put together an action plan to alert the media of this fraudulent conference which is significant for 2 reasons:

1.     It celebrates the 20th anniversary of a plan which has been at work in the US for 20 years called Agenda 21.  Attached an executive summary for explanation and documentation. (A power point presentation is available upon request.)  I have read this 300-page plan and it affects everything and everyone in our country right now.  It is a plan to completely re-orient the way we think and live by oppressing our country, our economy, and our way of life through sustainable development mandates (also explained in the executive summary).

2.     It is the launching pad for the next 20 years of additional mandates and global re-organization to further implement Agenda 21 now often referred to as The Millennium Project. The Obama Administration supports these efforts and will be working to bring this conference to everyone by streaming it through social media.  In fact, every decision Obama makes finds congruency with Agenda 21 and Rio+20!
I respectfully ask you to please consider allocating time each day, particularly on June 20, to report on or highlight this conference as a newsworthy item.

Share the background of Rio+20 and Agenda 21 from my article and its footnotes.  And share websites where people can go t become informed and draw their own conclusions. Call you local talk shows and write letters to the editor.

Visit countdowntoRio.org to find the executive summary and several web links to the Rio conference and Agenda 21.

You do not have to take a stand against this conference (unless you feel so inclined).  Exposing citizens to the Rio+20, Agenda 21 and to the Obama Administration's support should light a firestorm of protest to it and become yet another hot campaign issue.

Contact your closest and most effective colleagues in the industry asking them to join you in a massive three-day exposure campaign. Please remember, this is about America!

The timing is sensitive as you will only have the cover of reporting this as a news story to your listeners between June 20 -22.

I am available to you for questions, interviews, or support upon request.

Yours truly,
Dan Peterson
Dan Peterson, Executive Director
Coalition For Property Rights

2878 South Osceola Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32806
407-481-2289 O
407-758-2491 C
An Hour with Charlotte Iserbyt is never enough. Charlotte has agreed to return. On this week's show we will discuss the variety of ways Agenda 21 is being implemented in your community. 
Charlotte Iserbyt, Senior policy advisor under R. Reagan will join Karen Schoen on American Freedom Watch Radio, June 19.
Last interview was devoted to the Deliberate Dumbing Down of American schools. Remember:  Dumber people require less and are satisfied with less. 
Tuesday we will discuss the real motivation behind many of the special interest groups funded by American Tax Dollars.
So far the lies uncovered this week are:
The biggest lie is the Dream Act by Executive Order. Obama lied when he said, "This is what the American people want." No this is not what we want We voted NO."  This political move will have Americans focused on the poor immigrants instead of:
  • more people on the entitlement entitlement roles
  • more people taking jobs from Blacks, youth, women, Latinos. 
Obama just took the pie called America and said, I don't care if you bought and paid for your piece.  I will give it to someone else so they can vote for me.  Who care about you?
Obama committed treason and is destroying national security read more
EPA suppresses report to insure passage of cap and trade: read more
On the first day in Rio,  Fidel Castro was touted as the ECO hero...
In the latest attempt to steal land the EPA has defined a ditch as navigable waterway read more

Lord Monckton tells the truth about the climate: read more
British Statesman Nigel Farage tells the truth to Parliament: View
The 92 year old father of GAIA - and man made global warming admits he was wrong, oops how much destruction did that do worldwide.
Gadsden Flag:  Support Rand Paul S 2122 making the EPA accountable.
Americans have been diverted from the truth that the old failed Soviet Union's education/training system being implemented right now.  Read Charlotte's  memo re regarding the merging of US schools with Soviet models found on American Deception Effective Schools regarding use of charter schools for workforce training.    Change agents are so clever.  They have completely brainwashed public into believing Soviet system is dead.  Once the phony fall of Soviet Union was realized field was clear for them to move into diversion mode (9/11,  Mideast wars,etc.)    All they had to do was find a new enemy (real or not):  Islam, and through hype over new enemy "Islam", totally wipe out any concerns Americans might have had about the merger with the Soviet Union which has been in the works since Eisenhower signed the first agreements with Khrushchev in 1958, followed up by Reagan  signing agreement with Gorbachev in   1985.
NGO's and Non-Profits were created to redistribute American wealth
The International Chamber is lethal, but so is U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  Go to page 34/35,  on DeliberateDumbing Down for a  FREE download and find out how rotten the U.S. Chamber is and how it supports World Government, school vouchers, you name it.
Educate yourself then decide.  Victory is our only option.
Get U.S. out of the UN .. and get the UN out of the U.S. Thanks to the producer of UN ME now playing in theaters near you. Learn the truth of where your tax dollars go as you support more lies promoted by the UN propaganda marketing team.  Over the years Americans have given trillions to the UN and you see now it is all for corruption.
See the film and join us. Save the date in your state and Join the Get the US out of the UN Rally in Tally on October 20.     Read More

And you thought Marco Rubio was a real conservative.
  • First- NDAA
  • Second - Farm Bill with Sugary Subsidies and lots of ppps
  • Third - The Dream Act
  • Fourth - Trans Pacific Treaty
  • Fifth - Addressing the CFR         Listen

Gadsden Post Cards:  NO BUDGET, NO PAY.           
Perfect Example of Patriots
'Border Patrol Group Representing 17,000 Agents Calls On Eric Holder To Resign Over Fast and Furious'                                     Read More
Over the past few weeks many articles have been sent to us regarding solutions to bring back America.  We have been trying as hard as possible to verify everything so that we can give you the truth and let you decide.
However regardless of what you decide, one thing is always in the forefront, something is going to happen.  No one knows yet there are too many weather predictions, economic predictions, war predictions. Above all you must be prepared because once something happens, everything will change forever.
Prepare like a great storm is upon us, like a great hurricane, Katrina or Wilma, a fire, tornado, earthquake, EMP. We were without power for 21 days. What would you do? Could you survive without power, gas, money, food.
Try this:  get everyone in your house a notebook and pen and flashlight.  Then shut off the power and water in your house for the weekend and see what happens. You will know what you need after that.  Write down everything and then use the list to prepare.  When you think of something new, write it down.
Check out the preparedness section on agenda21today.com
Chance favors a prepared mind.       
Missing History:
Did you know there was an original and different 13 Amendment. The one we have now should be the 14th.          
               The Missing 13th Amendment
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
The 13th Amendment was designed to protect us from the unethical and reckless actions of the elected public servant.  Per the 13th Amendment, most of today's elected public servants do not quality to be in public office.  Learn about the 13th Amendment.... http://www.w3f.com/patriots/13/13th-01.html and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpp6sIP19dM&feature=related
SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP>>> Make a donation to the AgEnders               and
As we fight for Religious Freedom, here are  7 LESSONS THE CHURCH MUST LEARN FROM NAZI GERMANY                        View             
Another treaty to destroy the American economy The Trans Pacific Treaty aka TPT . Senator Ron Wyden (D) who is the CHAIRMAN of the Trade Committee has been DENIED access to this treaty along with his staff!  He is on the Intelligence Committee….he can see our NUCLEAR info but can’t see this “trade agreement” that he is the chairman of the Trade Committee! He has put in a lawsuit to see the agreement! 
                                                                                 Read ________________________________________________________
Remember History:    Gulf Oil Spill Video
 Liberal or Conservative, this is the very definitions of incompetence, ineptness, and apathy! Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, and James Carville no less.. IF YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY,,,,,,,,,, VIEW THIS VIDEO !! Click onto this brilliant video regarding the oil spill.  You will want to send it on.           View
News around the country:
AL: 13 senators and 8 representatives recently wrote to Governor Bentley and the State Board of Education to ask them to revoke adoption of the Common Core Standards Initiative and refuse any monies tied to a national curriculum.  Watch scores soar next year.
In addition, AL has just signed an anti-UN Agenda21 Bill.  Fantastic.
kudos to the legislators and Governor Bentley             Read More
AR: Washington Co, The mass transit libs wanted a 0.25% sales tax increase (7.5 million/yr) to expand services.  Last week the citizens voted it down 13K to 7K.  We worked our butts off for that, too.
CA: California Lawsuit targets teachers             read more
CO: An outspoken Colorado priest was asked to lead thousands of delegates in prayer at the state Republican convention.    Listen
CT: Patriots stop state funding of Connecticut Communist Party HQ.                                                                                      read more
KS:  Republican Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed a bill aimed at keeping state courts and agencies from using Islamic or other non-U.S. laws when making decisions, his office said on Friday, drawing criticism from a national Muslim group.    read the billLA:'Louisiana's Bold Bid To Privatize Government Schools Read More
MA: Democrats Require (Gasp) Photo ID To Enter Their Convention…Doesn't the DOJ think this is illegal???     Read More
NE: Collaboration key to water, food solutions? Gates calls for more programs to combat food shortages. Beyond stupid.  STOP shutting water, blowing dams, restricting farming, killing pigs, chickens etc and there would be no shortage.  This is the way it works, create the crisis then we need a program.  Americans are smarter than that or are we???                                                                    Read More
NM: New Mexico crews race to corral largest wildfire.  If this land was privately held and the under brush was allowed to be cleared,would the fire be out of control?                    Read More
NC: Saturday evening the NCGOP passed a platform opposing Agenda 21. There was no debate. The resolution passed with unanimous consent to continuous thunderous applause!
NV: Obama, DOJ attack Las Vegas casino for enforcing immigration law                                                                    Read More
NY: May 16 U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest upheld her decision to block the controversial indefinite detention provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012, and the Obama Administration made a request for a more detailed explanation.                                                                                      Read More
RI:  Patriot groups work together to defeat government involvement in windfarm                                                            Read More                                     
TN:  Turkish Charter Schools in Memphis, Tenn tied to Texas and Islam?                                                                           Read More
        Governor Haslam hires Shariah Finance expert. TN need your help. This appointment will become a national issue.  We need to flood the Gov office with calls requesting he reconsider his decision.  If doing business with foreign countries requires us to implement Sharia Finance we do not want foreign business.  Implementing Sharia Finance is the same as implementing Sharia Law.  There is no separating the tenants of Sharia.     
Governor Haslam's office:  615-741-2001
WI: We are in the final stretch. Our values have gained momentum in Wisconsin and if we are successful there, we will continue to have momentum going into November!
Join Tea Party Patriots to stop the Unions from stealing the WI election.  You make a difference.  Help Gov Scott Walker.  Contact: Debbie Dooley,  404-593-0877
The Elite can only have power if you give it to them.
"All Tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."  Thomas Jefferson
Your calls work,
Gadsden Post Cards: No Budget, No new Bills!
America truly is the Greatest Country in the World.  Don't Let Freedom Slip Away,"After  America , There is No Place to Go"
Change the conversation
They are not Bush tax cuts, they are Obama tax hikes!!!
Obama defines himself in his own words
Everyone of voting age should read these two books by him: Don't buy them, just get them from the library.
From Dreams From My Father:
"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."
"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."
"There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe and white."
"It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses,
to strike out and name names."
"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."
And FINALLY .......... and most scary:
                  From Audacity of Hope:
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."


Khrushchev: Your grandchildren will live under Communism. You Americans will not accept Communism outright, but we will keep feeding you small doses of Socialism, until you finally wake up finding that you already have Communism.
We will not have to fight you. We will so weaken your economy, until you fall into our hands.
Most important remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE, United We Stand!!!
Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.   
Karen Schoen, AgEnder
"All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Join Karen Schoen and
Guest:  Charlotte Iserbyt,
on Repartiot Radio
3-4 PM EST, 2-3 PM CST,
1-2 PM MST, 12-1 PM PST
 Joyce Riley on   www.ThePowerHour.com Daily 9AM EST, 8 CST
Ken Walsh and Andi Newcomb
M-F, 6-9 AM CST
Sally Baptiste
M and T, 7-9EST
Karen Schoen,
guest of Jim Morris
Sat, 9AM CST,
94.5 Panama City
Host: Alex Snitker

Friday from 9-11am EST
STUDIO CALL-IN LINE: 1-866-826-1340
Dr. Rich Show
The Conservative Talk Radio Network
M-F 11AM -Noon EST
Dr Rich Show
Maggie Roddin
Sunday Noon EST
Mara Roberts
Freedom Talk Netcast
24/7 education.
Come to an AgEnders  Conference
Contact us to schedule and AgEnder for your group
Karen Schoen will be in S Florida for the Weeks of July 7 - 20. Contact us for an appointment with any group.
Rosa Korie in FL
Plantation, FL
June 20
Milton FL
July 7
Pembrooke Pines, FL
July 14
Get out of the UN Day Rally
October 20, Tally
Contact us to schedule and AgEnder for your group
Who wants to destroy America?
National Defense Authorization Act
If you or your legislator thinks Not Required means SHALL NOT, go back to the dictionary...
Legal Analysis of
     Listen to Kirk MacKenzie
The assault on Rural America is spreading. Learn about what you can do to stop it.
Get model legislation to send to YOUR state legislators right now: see legislation
Did your State RNC pass the resolution against Agenda 21?
It you thought SOPA was bad, read about CISPA.
Gadsden flag Postcards this week...
Vote NO for CISPA
Defense of Environment and Property Act,
Sponsors needed for
call your Senators- support Rand Paul
and Representatives support Tom Rooney

So, since we all got familiar with Agenda 21 and we decided we would expose it far and wide, they decided to rename it, as the Communists do with everything once they are caught red handed.  Now, they call it Millennium Development Goals.
If you teach your children not to lie,
Obama lies about not having  Lobbyists in the White House.
Obama lies about freedom of Religion. The Catholic Dioceses sues
Consensus means blind acceptance.  Do you homework. Don't accept anything without proof.
Please help keep the message of truth alive. End Political Correctness. Donate to the AgEnders 
Communist Chinese firm buys AMC to create the world's largest movie chain.  Next step, more propaganda and indoctrination in the cinema.
Tell us your story. Submit all articles and Agenda 21 news to:
(Not an endorsement)
The biggest radical donor, George Soros, is one evil human
The United Nations wants to end capitalism to save the planet...How quickly they forget where their money comes from.       read more
America's credit was downgraded on 4/9/2012
Did Obama have a news blackout?
NOV  2012
IRS funds illegals  over $4Billion per year
Listen to Heather Gass:
Listen to Rosa Koire:
Listen to John Anthony
Read about the Treaties that will give the US to the UN. Then call the Senate.
Connect With Us
...a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Atlas Shrugged will be out this fall. Great quote...
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed."
"Under my plan, your energy prices will necessarily sky rocket...You can open a coal plant but it will go bankrupt.
Create the Crisis.....
        Movies to see:
Join the AgEndes UNITED WE STAND Conference Call!!!
   YOU can make excuses or you can ACT but you can't do both!!!
Join our weekly Wednesday night conference call:
9:30 PM EST, 8:30PM CST, 7:30PM MST, 6:30 PM PST
Conference room: 8882070001
ID: 337527153
The Bilderbergs have there controls in place in every part of the world.  Everything is connected:  See the chart


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