Monday, May 28, 2012


Today - on this special day - when we honor in memory all our brave soldiers through the centuries, back to the Revolutionary War - we are living under this disgusting piece of human detritus who has his eyes on a communistic dictatorship?  Is this what we have come to - that we have no real "working" Congress; that our military brass is blind?  That are soldiers we send are cannon fodder and nothing more because the wars are endless, a matter of commerce (the military/industrial complex), and a handful of global parasites - royals, billionaires, and government "leaders".

The struggle to preserve the Republic guaranteed by people who revered the Constitution, seems to be over.

Our elected officials are unresponsive.  All over our country they grinned, slapped backs, kissed women and babies, hugged the old people, behaved like "one of us" and they aren't.  The current crop is just as slimy as the last.  They are eaten up by ambition in jobs they think will never end.

End them.

Not one is good enough for a second term.

The monstrous inhabitant of the White House must go.  The UN must leave our shores for the good of our country.  And all the executive orders by which we are imprisoned for almost four years, removed.  The spying on our citizens must end.  We need to repeal the Patriot Act and all its draconian assaults on our freedoms.

Our country was born in a haze of black powder and blood.

The Declaration of Independence was a wonderfully radical document as was the Constitution.  Read the Declaration today.  Remember.  There was once a time when Americans were really free.  Are you afraid to be free?  That's not a frivolous question.  What are you afraid of?

It was fought because of a king's far reaching claim on the lives and liberties of us an ocean away.

We have a dictator/messiah who wants us in chains.  He puts chains on us every single day.

He has taken our liberties and our freedom and made us subject to police actions and surveillance.  The rule of law does not apply to him or anyone in his administration.

How dare we sit back and go to a movie today and not know what the meaning of lost lives and phony wars are.

While we sit at our X-Boxes or watch a few DVDs in the cool comfort of our homes, the DHS is arming for war with us.  It is sending armed drones to our windows to spy on us.

Every day there is some new law of citizen endangerment or prohibitions.  We are terrorists - all of us.  What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Read the Declaration of Independence.
Read your Constitution and concentrate on the rights we had (or may have a vestige still).  They have been destroyed in just over three years.



Think for yourselves and wake up!  It's almost too late.

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