Wednesday, May 23, 2012


For a couple of days now, I've been involved in an internal struggle.  It's been pretty intense.  Last night I fielded a question to some of my friends and acquaintances about asking for donations so that I could run against Steve Southerland, a nice guy (our US Representative and a Republican), but so moderate a conservative he might as well be reading a good book in a hammock in his office. As a former supporter,  I am not impressed with his record, nor am I satisfied with his less-than-dynamic attitude or his poor decisions in voting. Someone wrote that he was a moderate conservative.  I'm sorry.  That is not good enough for this moment in history.

After all,  he held a town meeting not long ago in Destin, FL and no one came.

With the efforts of a newly founded organization, Bay Patriots and Derrell Day, the founder, and a radio talk show host, Burnie Thompson who persuaded us that Steve was "our guy", Bay County cleaned out the barn and sent newcomer Southerland to DC in place of the 30-year incumbent, Allen Boyd, a Democrat "blue dog".

Obama is driving our country  in high gear racing to the precipice of doom, and a do-nothing Congress, which includes Southerland, is walking in thick, deep quicksand slogging along behind at less than a snail's pace.   I am pretty sure if you are reading this blog and using the links, you can see that Congress is bogged down and no one is man or woman enough to stand up and make some demands of their cohorts to rid ourselves of the malignant Obama regime, and start reversing everything he has done to destroy our Constitution, our way of life,  sealing our futures as slaves of the police state called America.

I was going to get on the radio (Derrell's show) and courageously ask for 5,000 people to donate $2.00 each (I'd already been offered $500) so that by June 8 I could register as a Republican candidate, though you know I'm a Constitutional libertarian, to run against Southerland.

Can you believe the fee is $10,440?  Prohibitive on purpose, is my guess.

My plan was to ask for checks and a 45 cent stamp, so that if I missed the required fee and the deadline, the checks would be returned immediately.

Then I heard what cap and trade will be doing in a year to you and I.  Not only did Obama make good on his promise of skyrocketing energy bills, but think about does electricity affect your life?  If you can't afford a $400 bill or more, which very well might happen, that smart meter will disconnect you immediately.  There will have to be some kind of government plan you'll need to survive - taxpayer money = more taxation = subsidy.  This is redistribution of wealth.

What about merchants - from food stores to your barber, to the pet shop, the auto repair guy, the tire shop - how can they afford refrigeration, air conditioning, lights, computers, radios, appliances, healthcare - all the things we had in the safety zone even one day pre-Obama.  You have all been fed a lie - and the UN's Agenda 21 will put us back so far we will be living like babushka grandmothers in Soviet Russia in the cold war '50s.  You will not recognize our formerly free country.

And I realized, send me to Washington - where I would speak up loudly and consistently against this regime and what has happened to our country since the dictator walked into the White House, wouldn't matter one fig.  Congress is infected - whether or not they are Democrats.

I don't think my presence in Congress, loudly calling as soon as the opportunity arose, for the impeachment of those thugs in the White House and the cabinet, would be well received.  I would be ignored. I would be ridiculed and belittled.  I would love to be the squeaky wheel.  I would love to accomplish great things for my country so that in the end of my term, people could sleep easy in their beds at night.  I would call for ending the terror of the DHS, TSA and the Patriot Act.  I would actively seek open carry for my state and all the others, patterned on the State of Vermont.  I would support defunding EPA, the removal of the UN from our shores, audit and end the Federal Reserve and the IRS and rid our country of every trace of Agenda 21.  So much to do, so little time, and I would be slapped down at every turn.

So I expect I would be ineffectual and you would hate me.  But I would have been open and really transparent, and I would keep this blog to let you know on a daily basis how the days are spent and what has transpired and expose how those in Congress tried to lean on me.

The first thing I would do, if I were so fortunate to represent my constituents, is put a little cypress (from Florida) sign on my doorknob.  "Lobbyists Not Welcome - Do Not Enter".

But I guess I don't have to worry much.  I am disillusioned, frustrated, angry and very, very sad.  I am so depressed.  I set my expectations of myself way too high occasionally. 

I am sad that I will see in a very short time, the dream and the ideals of America go down in flames, torched by a dictator who is determined to have full control of you and me, our families, our friends.  Cradle to grave.  Grave in many ways.

Look at what the UK has planned for its population.  That WILL happen here.  It's already happening with a program for livestock.  Totalitarian control.  Orwellian, draconian government.

Did you every think, my left-leaning readers, that that wonderful electric car, will be out of reach to you?  How will you charge it?

Twenty years ago, Chuck Harder told us we would be living in very small government shacks with one 60 watt lightbulb, total slaves to the new world order.  It's coming.  Sooner than we think.

When you go to a community barbecue this Memorial Day Weekend, and your politicians gather - maybe they'll be flipping burgers, kissing babies, schmoozing with the chosen, filling your heads with speeches written to placate you, to lull you, to assure you they are doing all they can to fight for your rights - remember - they are all scoundrels.  They are tainted.  Unless their records actually show it, don't believe them.  Just take the free burger, the drink and the charred hot dog.  They are not your friends.  If they were your friends, there wouldn't be Viper Squads in the streets courtesy of DHS; no TSA groping your grandmothers in wheelchairs with ostomy bags on, or children being terrorized - the potential carrier of contraband or an illegal weapon.  There wouldn't be drones, or warrantless searches during traffic stops, militarized, federalized law enforcement, citizen surveillance cameras or the threat of you being disappeared or Breitbarted.  There wouldn't be Obamacare.  There wouldn't be socialist/Marxist teachers instructing your kids and trying to brainwash them into being good little simpletons for the state.  Your freedoms would be guaranteed by these swine instead of compromised.


Remember our Constitution, how it was given to us, and what it gave us - the near perfect land called America.  It's all we have, and it's barely surviving.  Is your elected official placing him- or herself between it and the Obama regime?  Would that elected official give his or her life to defend it and the concepts of God-given rights, freedom and liberty?  Would he or she give their personal fortunes to guarantee your rights?  You ask them and then tell me.

In Liberty and Freedom -


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