Sunday, April 29, 2012

When I read this, you just know I had to write a response - to my "peeps", including the head of the Republican party in my county.  This is what I said:

Chicken shit legislators - they all know he's not eligible.  They have about as much confidence in the American people who elected them as we have in them now.  Well, we're better than what we sent to DC and we can handle it.  They'd rather let the country slide into communism with that fraud to save their asses and save their faces.  We'll remember that.  I am so ashamed of the Republican party. - they are so gutless.  They are all RINOS quivering at the feet of the idol, except Ron Paul, who is doing quite well (but the Republicans don't want you to know it, and neither does the biased, left leaning media.  Romney's a pure vanilla clone of Obama's.) 

Just impeach him for all his many impeachable offenses.  Send the SOB to prison for treason.  Yeah, that, too.  About as much as happened to Clinton would happen to him.  He'll write his memoirs from a jail cell, unless his crimes warrant the death penalty, and  make millions.  Big, bleepin' deal.  We'll do just fine.  Just do it before the election.  We're running out of time because even if he doesn't win, the vote will be manipulated in Spain as they are even in the smallest elections of jurisdictions who have the software that Scytl peddles.

Toll Free to the Congressional switchboard for Senators and Representatives:  866-220-0044 and dial a 1 first.

There are some days you just can't act like a lady...

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