Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Let me put a little cautionary note here.

Spring is here, you'll be traveling with the family pet - your dog(s) may be loose on a beach or even at a dog park.

When we moved to California in the 60s, we had two dogs. We'd go to the Santa Monica Pier or to Redondo and take them. We were fishing off the Santa Monica Pier one lovely day and I had Benjy (half Newf/German Shepherd) and Gunther (a Weimaraner pup) at my feet and an older man sat down beside us, made a little small talk. He was a little creepy, and so decided to pay no more attention to him UNTIL he began unwrapping big hunks of oozy, greenish rotten meat - right beside me! He was going to feed it to my dogs! When I started to make a scene, he left.

Always be aware of who is around your pet.

My dear friend in Washington loves, Loves, LOVES dogs. She lost her Lab and hasn't been able to adopt one yet. She always has gourmet dog biscuits with her in the car and in her purse, but she always asks permission to give dogs she meets, a treat.

She doesn't mind being refused. She understands.

Just be careful.

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