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Friday, January 20, 2012


Please read the related stories for more information. Thanks. m.

Energy Citizens

Yesterday, the President rejected a permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline. The White House indicated they did not have enough time to thoroughly study the project—apparently, three years of study is not enough.

The White House’s cynical choice puts political gamesmanship above the national interest. This decision sends a clear message to all Americans: In an election year, jobs and U.S. energy security are not the White House’s priority.

Energy Citizens, energy workers, union members, and other concerned Americans have delivered hundreds of thousands of communications in support of the Keystone XL pipeline. Thank you for your efforts; we will continue to work with other supporters to make the Keystone XL Pipeline a reality.

If you, like us, are outraged by this decision we encourage you to speak out and be heard. Go online and comment on news articles, write a blog, and tell your friends. Express your disappointment. The President promised to do what is right for the country, not what is electorally popular for a narrow margin of his base. That’s a promise he should keep.


Energy Citizens Moderator

“Permitting obstacles that could threaten the development of some energy projects, negatively impact jobs and weaken our energy infrastructure need to be addressed.”

– President Obama’s jobs council, Tuesday January 17, 2012

If you read only three stories on the Keystone XL pipeline this morning, we recommend these three. Post your reaction on the articles to show your support for the pipeline.

Obama's Keystone pipeline rejection is hard to accept
Mr. Obama's Jobs Council could start by calling out...the Obama administration. Read More

Wrong decision on Keystone XL Pipeline
President Barack Obama has made a shockingly shortsighted decision by rejecting a go-ahead for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Read More

After Keystone pipeline, Canada's other oil project
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has lashed out at American groups opposed to a pipeline that would allow oil from Alberta's tar sands to be shipped to Asian and US Markets. Read More

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