Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Liberty Maven has posted a new item, 'Signing On for the Ron Paul Revolution'

"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms
industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic,
political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every
office of the Federal government...we must not fail to comprehend its grave
implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the
very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard
against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by
the military/industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist."
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address to the Nation,
"Ron Paul and I would disagree on many issues. ...However, these are policy
differences. They can be negotiated or legislated into a compromise. But on
liberty, on human rights, and on the Constitution, Ron Paul is the only
candidate who gets it. ...Liberty is where we begin and end the conversation
in America. For far too long, government has chipped away at the rights of
Americans. Ron Paul would reverse that trend. Whatever else he does is
secondary to that prime directive." John Thorpe "Forbes"

I agree with the sentiments expressed by Mr. Thorpe (a liberal) in the above
paragraph. I also agree with those expressed by conservative Steve Deace: "as
much as I disagree with Paul, I’d choose him over the Republicrat ruling class
any day of the week, and twice on Sunday."

The fact that individuals from both the left and right of the political
spectrum find Ron Paul increasingly attractive is of no little concern to The
Powers That Be (TPTB) and their long-knives are already out. Should Ron Paul
become the lead, or one of the lead Republican candidates they will attempt to
slice and dice him like a Cuisinart -- count on it. The MSM, who cannot seem
to find Obama's past history with a bloodhound and a road map will suddenly
become super-sleuths able to sniff out every nook and cranny of Ron Paul's past
-- and where the truth does not suit their purposes they will twist it until it

It is understandable that the Far Left would oppose Ron Paul, because of his
stance on state's rights, limited government, and his staunch defense of the US
Constitution. What perplexes me is the animosity shown toward Paul by the
purportedly conservative Republican establishment -- and there can be no doubt
that the GOP elites despise Paul's positions. Rush Limbaugh has dumped on
him; the "conservative" press treats him as a joke, and "conservative" talking
heads routinely dismiss him. Recently Neil Cavuto took his fellow pundits at
Fox News to task for their blatantly dismissive attitudes toward Ron

All of which only makes Ron Paul all the more attractive to me as a candidate,
and I suspect that a growing number of conservatives feel similarly --
we know how lame "conservative" media can be.

"We the people" are more than a little tired of the condescending arrogance
thrown our way by Republican elites and their duplicitous mouthpieces. The
truth is that for all of their talk of being conservative, they find Ron
Paul's ideas about limited government anathema. They want big government --
they only differ from the liberal elites in their choice of what type of big
government we should have. It is of no importance to them that freedom
decreases as government increases.

I only recently became aware of just how much negative information TPTB have
already put out about Ron Paul, so one of my first tasks has been to bring
myself up to speed on what is true about Ron Paul, and what is false. I found
that I needed to brush aside much of the "common wisdom" surrounding him.

You may view the latest post at

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Best regards,
Jim O'Neill

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