Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Obama isn't THE problem.
Do you really think that Obama is the problem? He is only a small part of the problem. He certainly isn't the answer. Maybe you should be worried about Herman Cain's love life. Maybe we should be worried about Rush Limbaugh's rant about the mother of fifteen kids and how we are supporting them all. Maybe these are all just performances put on by the New World Order to distract you from the fact that we just did a partial audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. Do you know what they found? Don't get distracted by the call for war on Iran. Really you need to read this. They printed $16 Trillion dollars of your money and secretly gave it away to US banks and corporations and FOREIGN banks everywhere from France to Scotland. Did you read that? 16 TRILLION DOLLARS. That is more than our national debt created over the entire life of our country. Obama is just a distraction, even he can't spend money this fast under his Socialist agenda. He is just a puppet for the New World Order.
Stay with me now, because we just bailed out Europe this week. Totally separate from the secret $16 trillion dollars. Even major publications are saying that the banks are now the owners of Europe. Some headlines state that Goldman Sachs conquers Europe and they think it is great, so smart. Guess how many dollars were printed for this scheme? Nobody knows because the Federal Reserve Bank isn't part of the Government they are private. Congress illegally legislated their Constitutional power to coin money over to a private global corporation. They are breaking our dollar. It is going to be worthless soon. Every time they print a dollar, that creates a debt for you. It also decreases the amount of value of your dollar. This private corporation is taxing you without your knowledge. Ronald Reagan (R) was the best at this. He lowered taxes and raised spending. How did he do that? Simple, he let the Federal Reserve bank print the money that he needed. He taxed you through inflation.
MSM Global (John Corzine) (D) just stole $1.6 billion dollars(and growing) from their clients segregated accounts. Have you even heard about this? Of course not. This is like your bank just deciding that your bank accounts and safety deposit boxes belong to them. He used to work for Goldman Sachs. He is one of the banking elite. Has he been arrested? Has Fox news told you about it? No they are too busy talking about ex-Federal Reserve President Herman Cains love life? You have got to wake up. We are no longer ruled by the Constitution. We are ruled by a banking oligarchy.
Well it is okay if TSA sticks their hands down our pants right? It is okay if Obama assassinates American citizens right? He knows they were terrorists, right? Look it up these 911 terrorists were CIA operatives who used to have dinner at the White House. They were connected to 911! That is what the white house says. They government flew them out of the country, just like the Bin Laden family. Their own CIA even went on FOX News and said that they were CIA operatives. They also said, that they had problems with them and that it was better that they killed them so they couldn't talk. Why are CIA agents who are connected to 911 having dinner at the White House? Well I guess they won't ever tell us will they? It is a good thing we can invade a country we aren't at war with and kill them, because The President says so?
Well John Mccain (R) just got a bill passed through the Senate that allows the military to pick up anyone in the world (even US citizens in America) and detain them indefinitely, kill, or torture them without charges or a trial. Oh yes that means you! Especially if your are reading emails like this. You might be a terrorist. So much for free speech or due process. The funny thing is that Obama is saying that he will veto it. Of course, he obviously feels like he already has this privilege under President Order. If an American citizen is a threat let us follow the Constitution and bring charges against him and give him a fair trial. How can we start rounding up American citizens for torture, death or detainment and say they have no right to trial. I suppose you might say that the Supreme Court will overturn this for the victims? Go ahead try and defend yourself in front of the Supreme Court if you are dead or held idefinitely in some secret prison?
So go ahead vote for Obama, Newt, Perry, Bachman, Cain, Huntsman or Romney. They all have one thing in common, in one way or another they are all puppets for the New World Order. They are just the puppets. They aren't the real problem. The Democrat and Republican parties are filled with New World Order puppets. I know you are still in the left and right paradism. Watch Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBS they all have one thing in common. None of them are talking about real problems. They are just using the airtime to pump up their New World Order candidates and distract you from the real problem, the Federal Reserve bank.
If you want to vote for someone who isn't their puppet look at who the media ignores even though he is #2 in Iowa, 1,2, or three in every national poll and straw poll? Who did the government declare was a possible domestic terrorist if they had his bumper sticker on their car? Who did the media only give 89 seconds vs Romney's 9-10 minutes in a debate? Who do both the Democrats and Republicans establishments hate? Who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and restore constitutional government? Who is considered radical for not wanting to go to war with Iran? Who just got blocked from being in a debate for not wanting another war? Who do they tell you can't win? If you just guessed Newt I think I am going to throw up.
If you want to live in a police state with no economy, just vote for one of the puppets that Fox News or CNN is giving airtime to. It doesn't matter which candidate or which party they own them all. :) Our country is in real serious jeopardy of losing all of it's rights under a banking cartel. Piss off the "establishment" and pick up a Ron Paul sign before it is too late.

Daniel Cox

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