Thursday, December 1, 2011


Political Hit-Job in the Windy City:
Barack Obama and the New Year's Massacre

Dear Fellow Conservative:

Chicago, 1996. State Senator Alice Palmer (D-Ill.) never saw it coming...

The popular activist, running for re-election (she'd won the previous election with a landslide 82% of the vote), was a sure thing keep her seat.

But on the day after New Year's 1996, a small army of lawyers filed into the hearing room of the Chicago Board of Elections. In a blink, Alice Palmer's name had been struck from the ballot.

So, too, were the names of three other candidates on the Democratic primary ballot — all eliminated on the basis of minor "violations," most of them as picayune as not crossing a "t" or failure to dot an "i."

When the dust settled only a single name remained on the ballot: Barack Hussein Obama. He "swept" to victory... unopposed.

Veteran political journalist David Freddoso has done a very brave, but dangerous thing. As the Alice Palmer affair reveals, bad things happen to people who dare stand in the way of Barack Obama and his Chicago cronies. Indeed, since his election as president, Obama has shown no reluctance to unleash the IRS against his adversaries.

Unlike Ms. Palmer, who never saw it coming, David Freddoso knows full well what "misfortunes" might befall him. But that didn't stop him from writing the truth, namely — that Barack Obama has brought Chicago-style corruption and strong-arm tactics to Washington in order to ram though his massive, union-benefiting welfare-state agenda.

  • On PAGE 8, what Obama learned from his corrupt political godfather, a man whose entire family is on the government payroll or that of government contractors for whom he does legislative favors and receives large contributions in return.

  • On PAGE 11, how Michelle Obama received a job promotion with a 200% pay increase at the University of Chicago Hospital immediately after her husband's election to the U.S. Senate.

  • On PAGE 12, how the newly elected Senator Obama requested a generous $1 million earmark for Michelle's employer immediately following — guess what? — his wife's promotion.

  • On PAGE 96, how Obama's trillion-dollar "stimulus" has been used, not to revitalize the economy, but to protect the jobs of government workers, who in turn contribute massive sums to Obama's re-election campaign.

  • On PAGE 43, how Obama cronies warned an investment firm to withdraw its opposition to the Chrysler bailout terms or face the full force of the White House press corps and the destruction of its reputation if it continued to fight.

  • On PAGE 193, discover the Obama administration's secret plan to turn the U.S. government into the world's largest landlord.

  • On PAGE 130, why under Obama's hush-hush "Labor Plan A" you could return from vacation and find yourself a union member, whether you desire to be one or not.

  • On PAGE 161, the real reason why the Obama White House went ballistic and declared open war on the Fox News Channel.

And most important, in Gangster Government you'll learn why the political thuggery we've endured since Obama's inauguration in 2008 is just a preview of the desperate tactics this failed president and his backers will use to secure four more years of power — years our deeply wounded nation cannot bear.

Gangster Government is a truly astonishing, eye-opening book. That's why we've arranged for you to receive a gift copy just for trying the newspaper conservatives rely on for news and insight they can't get anywhere else... Human Events.

If you like knowing what others don't, you'll devour your gift copy of Gangster Government... as well as each issue of Human Events.

  • The 2012 election is going to be a nasty dogfight. Obama has little choice, given the horrific state of the economy, but to fight dirty — meaning brace yourself for brutal class and generational warfare, exacerbated by ugly charges of racism. Vote against Obama and you're a racist. That's what demagogic community-organizing, Marxist-leaning Alinsky disciples do — and Human Events thinks it's disgraceful.

  • Who outrageously demanded that Boeing — a private-sector American company — should be "forced by the government" to close down its non-union plant in South Carolina? Human Events reveals it was Nancy Pelosi who is apparently unaware South Carolina Boeing workers voted OUT of union status two years ago — of their own free will.

  • Greece, Italy, Portugal and possibly other European nations are going down the tubes — all because of bloated government debts that cannot be paid. So what does Obama want to do? The "smartest president in U.S. history" wants another massive stimulus, thus adding greatly to our own national debt. It looks to Human Events that he hasn't learned a thing.

  • "Say, let's allow government employees to work at home in their jammies!" It's no joke. Human Events reveals Obama and the Democrats rushed through a law permitting increased "telework" for bureaucrats — perhaps the last people on earth who should be permitted to work at home unsupervised. On the bright side, business at gambling and porn web sites should skyrocket

  • We're led by the brainiest administration ever? Their latest brainstorm: If you apply for a job and aren't hired — see a lawyer. And sue. You're being discriminated against because you're unemployed. Trial lawyers think it's a great idea. Really, you can't parody the ideas liberals come up with — it's crazy logic that makes your head spin.

As you can see, Human Events brings you a healthy dose of sanity. Just like you, we take a jaundiced view of much of the "news" foisted upon Americans by sources that, for all intents and purposes, are allied with Obama and his pals.

Human Events does not fear taking on the media heavyweights who, arm and arm with the liberal establishment, are determined to tell you what to think, what to believe, and how to live.

We hit them with the one weapon sure to give them fits — the truth.

Thankfully, you can try truth for a change in the pages of Human Events with this special introductory offer — a full 30-week trial subscription at the reduced rate of just $39.95... a little more than a dollar an issue.

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