Thursday, December 29, 2011


I will say it again.

In my bones, I feel that there will be a major "incident", (terrorist driven of course), before the election. Maybe Bernanke will crash the dollar and the bank holiday will start and all of you who believe it can't happen to you may be penniless overnight.

Maybe it will nuclear.

Maybe it will be a huge 911-type event.

You can bet it will be a Hegelian generated event by a corrupt government in consort with the global elite to bring us to our knees, and suspend the Constitution and that's why there will be chaos, police will turn in their uniforms for "brown shirts", the TSA and the DHS have grown into the civilian army as well funded and supplied as the military - meaning tanks in the street, armed soldiers with automatic weapons in their hands, food rationing, disarming of the people.
You will do anything to feed yourself and your family. Anything. ANYTHING.

This will happen before the election because the globalists MUST have control of our country. It doesn't fit the profile. NO ONE can be free from the rule.

I hope to God I am wrong.

But maybe I'm not. Look at the news just in the past month and a half - read it here.

Even talk radio hosts are saying there will be no elections, and expect martial law.

I'm pretty vocal locally. I have said this early on after the elections repeatedly. First I was laughed at and dismissed. Now, they are listening to me and agreeing.

Be so careful. We are under surveillance everywhere.


It will come at night when you least expect it - the bank holiday; the placement of troops surrounding neighborhoods to take your possessions, your firearms, kill your pets (a prime way of causing havoc, shock and degradation to you), and if you resist, they will kill you. Because you're on the way to the FEMA camps which are patterned on the Nazi concentration camps. The terrorists are here all right.

The military will follow orders. So will law enforcement because they are federalized and militarized.

We don't live in interesting times. We live in terrifying times - but we WILL survive.

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