Saturday, December 31, 2011


2012 promises to be a very tough, very ominous year for the citizens of the world.
If we do not take control of our governments and our banking systems, prepare ourselves for armed conflict against renegade governments, we will find ourselves in chains literally by armies or police or by economic chaos.

It will not be comfortable for most of us.

Prepare for your survival. Here in the USA, the Department of Homeland Security, which is a misnomer for the Department of Homeland Insecurity, and a dangerous terrorist to all of us since it is such a powerful rogue agency, if you follow FEMA's directions and prepare in ways such as food storage, you are declared a terrorist. You fit the profile.

My wish is for the global bankers to fail at their attempts, the corporate giants who work in concert with the bankers to wrest our few cents away from us, fail. And for all of us living under the dictatorship of a few, to fight back.

I wish us all strength, courage, safety, security, and all the freedoms and liberties that were given to us after the American Revolution in the 1700s. If you are possessed of that clear vision, focus and commitment, you cannot fail to throw off the chains of what the global elites have in store for us. They are just drooling like vampires, waiting for the chance.

I dearly wish I could say this morning, the old cliches for New Year's.

I do with you health, wealth, happiness and peace, but I think we all know, even if we don't admit it, that there won't be much of that this year.

It's all on our shoulders how the world governments will treat us. If we bow to them, all over the planet, we are lost. It most likely will be a bloody struggle.

Do not capitulate. Never give in. We are in a strange and bizarre world because the handful of people who make up the global elite have planned it this way and this year, it's up to us to mold it so that we can all exist in security and peace.

The less government control we are under, the more peace we will have.

I have to thank you readers of this blog from the far corners of the globe. I never thought I would reach so many of you. You, individually, and I connect almost every day. Do I have any animosity against you? Of course not. We are each just people trying to live our lives the best way we can and are of like mind.

Our problems come from our governments which are too powerful. True freedom and liberty comes from small governments where the people limit their power. Here in America, a dictator has shown his true colors and exposed himself. And he must be stopped. He needs, and many of those in our Congress need to be arrested for treason and acts against the people and the state.

Remember - it's in our hands.

It's a classic struggle of right against left; of good and evil. From our Bible:

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left."
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
Thus sayeth the Lord. Amen

I wish you well, with all my heart.

Stay safe and be strong.

God bless.

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