Sunday, November 27, 2011


Because we cling as US citizens, not units, not useless eaters, to our Second Amendment, our government "they", are not unstoppable!

Below are thoughts from a retired US Army Colonel and Tea Party supporter. This is very grim.

I “think” that’s what the Tea Parties are basically doing – saying enough is enough. I wish my military mind saw a successful enterprise which could break the bonds of tyranny. Those bonds were lain over two generations of self indulged Americans and thrill seeking, self-serving politicians. Military people of “stature” are monitored so closely you would not believe it. When I helped found “this” Tea Party I, well, I was asked if I understood that I was subject to the UCMJ (military law) for the remainder of my days. Just by remaining involved, and staying completely within the law of the land, I sense a risk.

This would be true of any ex military officer – the ones whose participation would be critical in rebellyun. The opportunity has come and gone for a successful overthrow. What remains are the picked over debris at a battle sight that we never knew occurred. The ONLY way out of this mess (I think) is for the Governor’s of each State to comply with the U.S. Constitution (and their own) which calls for the formation and maintenance of a State Militia. This is NOT the National Guard. It is specifically required for the defense of a state’s citizen’s against ALL external threats which INCLUDES the federal government. Such Militia may NOT be nationalized and remains under the direct command of the State Governor even in a state of national emergency. Watch this video. While it is playing you will see a website given for the Constitutional Authority of the State Militia. Alabama has one, but, in my opinion, it is a JOKE.

The county Sheriff’s are also the key to ending Federal dominance and intimidation. The county sheriff is the highest ranking officer in the U.S. of HIS county. He can only be arrested by the County Coroner (of all people) and that is with a writ from the County’s Judge (though the Judge may be arrested by the Sheriff). The county sheriff can arrest ANY “federal officer” in his county for ANYTHING he thinks is detrimental to any of his constituents. This is happening rather frequently these days across the country.

We really have no choice but to work within the system to take the Senate away from the wild eyes next November. We flexed our muscle last year and we made great strides. The liberals are well on notice now so they will do anything, pull any dirty trick to attempt to retain power. I don’t think they will be successful. I think we have the momentum for next year, AND the “moxie”. I do not, however, put anything PAST the Slimy one, including an attempt at suspending the election under whatever ruse. We HAVE to find a way to bring the conservative groups together to work on common issues. I believe such organizations as the CSPC have good intentions and DO provide some basis for conservative success, but it is my perception they are very egotistic and mostly work for their own agenda. We would all do well to encourage them to be more participative with the rank and file.

Lastly, I believe that should the Slimy one try to pull a fast one next November or near then, the “Occupy” thing will look like children at recess compared to the spontaneous uprising of patriots throughout the country. I think the main thing is to make sure our government can’t use our own military forces against American citizens, should that occur. The fact that it is being sponsored and supported by some really naive Republican senators is an insult to all of our collective intelligence.

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