Tuesday, October 4, 2011


NaturalNews Insider Alert ( www.NaturalNews.com ) - please forward

Dear NaturalNews readers,

We are on the verge of achieving a significant milestone in the fight to eradicate GMOs from the U.S. food supply. A California ballot initiative has just been launched that seeks to put a mandatory GMO labeling requirement in place. This, in turn, would result in nearly all U.S. food producers discontinuing the use of GMOs to avoid the embarrassment of having to admit GMOs on their labels.

Yesterday I released a groundbreaking interview with Ronnie Cummins of the OCA who explained how this law works and why it could be a "death blow" to GMOs.

Click here to listen to that interview on SoundCloud.

Today we posted an interview with Jeffrey Smith of the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT). He explains that victory against GMOs is well within our reach, but your support is needed. The IRT is teaching people how to speak about GMOs, and it's a very effective strategy for raising awareness. I met the CEO of Beanitos (www.Beanitos.com) at the anti-GMO rally in Austin last weekend, and it turns out that he has taken Jeffrey Smith's course, too, and now he's speaking out against GMOs!

When people know how dangerous GMOs are to their health -- and to the environment -- they suddenly "get it" that removing genetically engineered ingredients from the food supply is the No.1 priority for protecting public health and the future of sustainable agriculture for our world.

Your help is greatly needed at this hour for people like Jeffrey Smith to continue his education and awareness efforts. The IRT, not surprisingly, receives no grant money from the federal government. There are no big corporate advertisers who fund the non-profit with millions of dollars. The IRT is a small but amazingly effective organization funded by people like you and mission-driven groups like NaturalNews.

That's why we're announcing today our donation of $15,000 in matching funds to the IRT. For every dollar donated to the IRT (which is an IRS-approved non-profit) by NaturalNews readers, we will match it up to a total of $15,000. Our goal is to raise $30,000 for the IRT. It's not a lot compared to the millions being spent by companies like Monsanto, but it's enough to help the IRT hire one employee to help coordinate the army of volunteers who are hard at work around the country and across the globe educating people about GMOs.

Click here to make a donation to the IRT today.

Whatever you can donate -- ten dollars, twenty-five dollars or even a hundred -- gets DOUBLED by NaturalNews (up to $15,000 total). This is your opportunity to help support victory against GMOs, so that when we all look back at this in five years, we can say, "I was part of that victory! I supported it!"

And YES, I believe we can achieve complete victory against GMOs in the United States within the next five years. Before long, we will see one company after another announcing they are dropping GMOs and removing genetically engineered ingredients from their products. All it takes is more awareness about the public health and environmental dangers of GMOs, and that's exactly what Jeffrey Smith and the IRT are very, very good at accomplishing.

This is a time of year, by the way, that many grassroots organizations are asking for financial support from their members, but notice something interesting here: NaturalNews isn't asking for donations to NaturalNews; we're asking for your help in supporting the IRT! And we're backing that up with $15,000 of our own money, too, because we believe so strongly in what the IRT is doing.

This donation could never have been possible without your support of our NaturalNews Store, and your support of our sponsors whose banner ads you see on the right side of every article we post. Thank you to our sponsors for giving us the opportunity to make such an important financial contribution to the IRT.

Click here to listen to my full interview with Jeffrey Smith (just posted yesterday) on SoundCloud, where he lays out the milestones of victory against GMOs.

Or click here to get the MP3 file directly from NaturalNews.

You can also read the highlights of this interview at:


Watch my recent speech on the steps of the Texas state capitol building in Austin, where I spoke about protecting life from the scourge of GMOs:


We are fighting for the future of life on our planet

If you agree that this is a worthy cause, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the IRT today. Jeffrey has spent many months, tirelessly traveling across India and around the globe, gathering film footage and interviews with farmers, regulators and everyday people who have amazing stories about GMOs. Financial support is needed to organize all these amazing true stories Jeffrey has gathered and help package them into videos and interviews that can be released to the public. Your donation to the IRT can help further this effort to expand awareness of GMOs to the point of critical mass -- the tipping point -- where the giant food producers in America abandon GMOs for good.

So please, if you believe in this cause, help support the IRT with whatever donation you feel is appropriate. Click here to donate to the IRT now.

As the editor of NaturalNews.com, I thank you for your support. Every dollar is needed in this grassroots battle against the domineering, greed-driven corporations that are attempting to monopolize the world's food supply. For the sake of our children -- and our environment -- we must resist these corporate seed tyrants and restore sanity to food production! This effort will require commitment, and volunteers... and financial resources. People like Jeffrey Smith bring the commitment to use the financial resources that are available to their best strategic use in achieving the ultimate goal here.

And what ultimate goal is that? The complete removal of genetically engineered ingredients from the global food supply. That goal is achievable! Your donation can help make it a reality.

Thank you for helping this critically important cause in this time of great need. We are all quite literally fighting for the future of life on our planet here. We are fighting to save the seeds, to save sustainable agriculture and to protect the seeds of human life as well -- the fertility of the human race. I believe there is no more important opportunity at our feet than this one. It begs for our action and demands resistance to that which is evil and destructive. If you believe in life, and light, and the protection of the very seeds which have sustained human civilization from its inception, help support this epic victory in the name of Mother Nature. Your donation can make a significant different right now, and your prayers and meditations are also welcomed as well.

Let us achieve victory in the name of Mother Nature against Monsanto and the "scientific" seed destroyers of our world. Let us protect that which is sacred to life. Let us have the strength and the courage to face great evil in this time of great need, to see through the deceptions, to connect with the seeds of the Earth, to hold sacred those foods which have sustained human life on this planet, and to halt the enemies of life with the power of truth, and justice, and light. This is a moment in history in which we understand who we really are, as we realize that our actions define us. And although there are corporate betrayers who have decided to worship greed and monopolistic control in their quest for domination and power, the rest of us actually hold far greater power in the fact that we have decided to pursue truth and justice in the name of protecting life on our planet.

That is a decision I made long ago, and it's why I serve as the editor of NaturalNews. It's why we work tirelessly, night after night, compiling interviews, articles and videos to raise awareness and teach the principles of natural healing, personal liberty and global justicce. There is no greater and more humbling work than to serve in the protection of life and Mother Nature, and that's exactly why this campaign to end GMOs means so much to me.

Please join us in our efforts. Thank you for your support.

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of NaturalNews.com

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