Saturday, October 22, 2011


Yesterday we looked at how Louisiana is now banning cash transactions. Whatever their (fill_in_the_blank) reasons are, they will rationalize it in any manner they think will convince you to accept it. Because this is just a step towards a much larger agenda.   In today's video the lame stream media tries to convince the  public that we need to get rid of cash in general, because (fill_in_the_blank) uses cash, and we can't have that. Their solution is to give everyone biometric ID cards to make our transactions with.  In the last push for biometric ID's they used (fill_in_the_blank) as an excuse to convince us to accept the idea, but that didn't work, so now they're saying it's to protect us from...   Video:  - Brasscheck  P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and videos with friends and colleagues.   That's how we grow. Thanks.  

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