Monday, September 26, 2011


Americans - Time to speak up and flex your citizen rights muscle! If the trucking industry collapses, we WILL have panic and chaos. All of our needs are met by truckers. Our food, our industry, our hygiene, our pet and livestock food, our clothing, our medical supplies, our medicine. FOOD. MEDICINE. INDUSTRY SUPPORT. JOB LOSSES. SHORTAGES!

If you think truck can run on air - fine. We are allowing this runaway, corrupt government we voted for, a handful of men and women in Washington, to turn us into subjects, rather than the bosses we are. Time is short. You have to do something, even if it's just a phone call to your Senators and Representatives. They have got to hear your anger.

If the trucks stop, our society will break down so fast, you won't have time to prepare or even lock the doors. That puts us all in danger, and we will have civil war.

The EPA must be dismantled immediately, oil/gas drilling begun on a large scale, coal/shale/sands mined and the government police, the DHS and the TSA defunded instantly.

Let's begin with a phone call: 10877-851-6437. That gets you toll-free to your Senators and Representatives. It's FREE.

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