Wednesday, September 14, 2011


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Dear NaturalNews readers,

I first wrote about Rick Perry's illegal pushing of deadly HPV vaccines in 2007 (

There, I revealed how Mike Toomey, a Merck lobbyist, also worked in the Perry administration in Texas. Toomey and Perry conspired to claim that HPV vaccines were now "mandatory" for all Texas girls, even though they knew that such claims were a complete hoax. (There was never a law that required mandatory HPV vaccines in Texas.)

Heck, I even published a CounterThink cartoon on the subject back in 2007:

I remember that, after publishing this story in 2007, the criminal vaccine pushers of the world tried their best to criticize my article, claiming that vaccines were "saving lives" and that Rick Perry was a courageous governor to protect public health by forcing people to get these shots. I was "irresponsible" for criticizing Perry over his HPV vaccine mandate, they insisted. Of course, these were all paid trolls working for Big Pharma...

Just four years later, the tide has turned against vaccines. Now Rick Perry is being publicly attacked over his 2007 vaccine mandate hoax, and he has been forced to publicly apologize for his vaccine-pushing behavior. During the debates, other candidates such as Bachmann used Perry's vaccine-pushing history to beat him over the head with criticism.

This shows how we've won the info war against vaccines. And that's probably because parents are increasingly realizing just how many children have been harmed or killed by vaccines -- autism, seizures, neurological damage, comas and even death are all side effects which are provably connected to vaccines.

Here's a summary of why Rick Perry is in so much hot water today for his vaccine pimping history from 2007:

Of course, the vaccine industry has no intention of stopping its efforts to inject more infants and toddlers with dangerous chemicals and live viruses. Now the industry is pushing a new meningitis vaccines onto toddlers!

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