Friday, September 30, 2011


Not too long ago the assassination of American citizens anywhere in the world was approved by the federal government - or maybe just Obama. The details on this are buried here on this blog. If you do a Google search, you can find enough reference to it to satisfy you.

The notion - the very "idea", that a president can assassinate without bringing a suspect (because we still are innocent until we are proven guilty) to trial, is repugnant to our way of justice, the rule of law.

Until this regime which is installed in our White House, we did not sanction assassinations - well, maybe Dubya did and he wasn't much better than Obama.

I agree with Rep. Paul on this, and if you think about it clearly and deeply, what he says makes great sense. We cannot allow assassinations. It is morally and ethically wrong. We bring offenders to trial when they admit freely that they perpetrated a heinous crime. And then they are sentenced. We have the option of a death sentence. But to give the right to assassinate anyone to one person, the president, is a very grave mistake.

I think Ron Paul is 100 per cent right on this.

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