Tuesday, September 27, 2011


If I hadn't, I wouldn't have had as much sleep as I got. I remember looking at the clock; the dogs were stirring, it was 3:45. I took some of them out. I had not closed my eyes at all. I kept thinking of the barrage of blows our constitutional rights are taking every day. This was my last straw of last night. The notion that we are to spy on each other, and be scrutinized for buying wooden matches and MREs? Obama and his handmaiden, Big Sis are pretty much responsible, and anyone with a uniform is going to join the chorus line.

Perhaps it will inspire you, too. Apparently our boys and girls in Congress do not believe us. They need to believe us. They need us to take them down a peg or two.

So call or write them a letter. Call all of their offices, read this, tweak it and make it your own. Or send it on or read it and say you agree. Ron Paul believes we are close to a revolution. The revolution will not come if Obama is impeached. But Obama will manufacture an incident or he will put his big foot on our necks and cause such terror and chaos in this peaceful country of ours, that we will not know what happened.

You know that;s the truth.


Blake - What the hell is this about?

I would like an explanation of why this is happening, and why my representatives - in all states - are allowing this garbage.

That usurper to the office of president is indeed, impeachable. Ask us. Have Steve ask us when he has his next town hall meetings. That one question.

There is support. Problem is, we send our best hope to Washington to represent us and they turn it around a day later and they think they're wagging the dog.

I am extremely displeased with the way our Republicans are allowing our country to slip into totalitarianism. That's impeachable. And I am asking that Steve bring this up on the House floor - the matter of impeachment. I want him to DARE SAY THE WORDS, "IT'S TIME TO IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA".

If Steve cannot, then I would like to do it as a citizen of the United States, as his guest, in Washington, to the House of Representatives. I will bring the laundry list of offenses against these United States if he doesn't have one. And I mean that sincerely.

And then I signed it.

Today I sent it to Sen. Marco Rubio and to Rep. Allen West.

I mean this; that I will go with my arm wrapped around a 10 pound scroll of Obama's offenses against the state with the intent to convince our do-nothing Congress to impeach this fraud.

I would welcome your comments and your simple one line items for this list.

Of course, I will not be invited; that's just a pipe
dream. But if no one of these lily-livered, cowardly Congressmen won't do it, an old bag like me has to. It is my duty as a citizen of this country.

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