Tuesday, September 20, 2011



How A Third Political Party Could Win


A Film By James Jaeger

Based on Nelson Hultberg’s book -

The Conservative Revolution: Why We Must Form A

Third Party To Win It

Matrixx Entertainment continues to produce and release features and documentaries that matter. After giving the nation the widely popular FIAT EMPIRE, James Jaeger has ramped up his production. Recently released features have been: Original Intent – How the Democratic and Republican Parties are Destroying the American Dream (Ted Baehr, Pat Buchanan, G. Edward Griffin, Ron Paul, Edwin Vieira); Cultural Marxism – The Corruption of America (Ted Baehr ); TESLA DAYS (Nikola Lonchar, Leslie Baird); and Corporate Fascism – The Destruction of America's Middle Class (Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul).

The brand new movie from James Jaeger and Matrixx Entertainment, SPOiLER, is a “counter psy-op” designed to undo prominent programs in the public mind. SPOiLER is online for free viewing at The Daily Bell. Please view the movie there.


I have ordered multiple copies and will be hosting film screenings to the public around southwest and northwest Montana, and elsewhere in Montana or Wyoming by invitation.

Based on Nelson Hultberg’s book, The Conservative Revolution: Why We Must Form A Third Party To Win It, this film brings to the fore a force of leading Constitutional thinkers including Chuck Baldwin, Pat Buchanan, G. Edward Griffin, Nelson Hultberg, Peter Lillback, John McManus, Edwin Vieira and John Williams. Each of these established authorities brings power to James Jaeger's movie and to Nelson Hultberg’s courageous book, which you may purchase here for only $15.00 -


Oath Keepers leadership invites every Oath Keeper to read this book and to view this film twice or more. Study them. Make notes on them. Also read the interview by Anthony Wile with Nelson Hultberg online, linked below. Discern in the movie and the book the theme of Constitutional freedom for the individual citizen which was the founders’ intent. Learn the role of philosophy in politics and economics, and understand why philosophy is so powerful. See for oneself how the Hultberg strategy can actually work to serve as the pivot point in turning around the growth of the leviathan government.

By becoming conversant in the material brought forth in this movie, every Oath Keeper (and Constitutionalist) will enjoy a sense of well-deserved pride in one’s knowledge of American history, today’s political process, and the errors now evident in the two-party system. Nelson Hultberg has given the nation a brand new philosophical approach to restoring the Republic for the traditional American family, the traditional culture of individual freedom, and the traditional American society based on love, understanding, and the traditional American work ethic. The Hultberg strategy shows how Americans who have seen through the hypnotic servitude to powers represented by the Democrat and Republican parties a way and reason to unite in a plan which will actually work. It is a bold new philosophy and it is powerfully portrayed in James Jaeger’s masterful composition of narratives furnished by a sterling cast. All that, and much much more.

My bet is that SPOiLER will be the most talked-about movie of the 2012 election cycle. American Patriots are going to love this outstanding movie, and see its value as a tool in the rebuilding of liberty in America.

Website for SPOiLER - http://www.spoilerusa.org/

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