Friday, August 26, 2011


This is not a discussable issue. I am sorely disappointed in Ron Paul for this. I'll remember in 2012. This is a really HUGE problem!

I want to understand the reasoning behind this. So I'm going to call his office.

Remember Patton's speech (found here - use the search bar).

So I called. Got the aide in charge of this matter. I explained why I was concerned about this vote and he explained that Congress only approves funding on war. If he was President, he'd have all the troops home. Wouldn't be a war in the middle east. BUT, I said, what is war? I tried to quote Patton's speech, and he talked over me and it got around to the lousy president. I suggested that Paul move to impeach him. He said (like the stiff in Boehner's office always does - the guy has to be a robot) that there's no support in the House to impeach. Well, I know that's crap. Their bosses, WE THE PEOPLE, WANT HIM IMPEACHED. At one point I said Paul needs to re-read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and he laughed at me.

So I turned to campaign donations. I've watched Ron Paul for 20 years and I like him, but this time he's really wrong. I told the aide that I contributed to his campaign in prior years for the presidency and I have, so he'd better not laugh at anyone with money in their pockets or a constituent. And he laughed some more and hung up on me.

Sorry I didn't get his name. Sorry I can't contact Ron Paul via his website to slam this smarmy little know-it-all good.

Thought you'd like to try and get a straight answer, because I sure would like to know from Ron Paul why our soldiers can't proactively defend themselves in a war, the purpose of which is to kill, maim, destroy property, cause fear and wreak havoc on the enemy.


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