Monday, August 1, 2011


As his popularity fails, even with his own party, and the country falls into despair and disillusionment over his broken promises and his failures, he has to do something. Remember what I've been saying repeatedly...there will be something happening...a gravely serious false flag, here or in another country, or the banks will fail en masse, and he must orchestrate it to invoke martial law.

That will be the end of America as we know it, and we will emerge with czars and czarinas that will rule Amerika, placing him dictator for life.

If you read yesterday's entries, the general told our troops in Afghanistan (I think I typed Iraq - so sorry), that they might not be paid. If that is the caliber of our generals, then we need to fire them. His orders came from the fraud-in-chief. How dare he when he should know there is a mandate for troops to be paid.

We are on shaky ground. Watch your back.

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