Thursday, July 28, 2011


"We commend the LPF for being the only political party in Florida to stand up for our civil liberties, and we are proud to stand with them." - Florida 10th Amendment Center
----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 10:36
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Grass-roots coalition to hold rally urging sheriffs to stop TSA abuses


July 28, 2011

Adrian Wyllie

Grass-roots coalition to hold rally urging sheriffs to stop TSA abuses

DAYTONA BEACH - In what may be the first movement of its kind in the nation, a coalition of grass-roots liberty groups is holding a rally on Sunday outside the Florida Sheriffs Association convention in Daytona Beach. Their goal is to encourage sheriffs to enforce the Constitution and stop the Transportation Security Administration from warrantless and random searches at airport checkpoints.

According to organizers, the objective of the rally is not to protest, but rather to encourage sheriffs to uphold the Fourth Amendment, as well as Florida statutes on molestation, as they apply to TSA employees. The rally will be held on Sunday, July 31, 2011, outside of the Hilton Oceanfront Resort, 100 N Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, from 4-7 pm. The assembly is free and open to the public. Participants are encouraged to bring signs urging sheriffs to confront the TSA and protect Floridians' rights.

The rally is being organized and promoted by the Libertarian Party of Florida, the Campaign for Liberty, the Florida Tenth Amendment Center, Oath Keepers, the Constitution Party of Florida, Wake Up 1776, the Save America Foundation, We Are Change, Young Americans for Liberty, the Florida Republican Liberty Caucus, and several tea party and 912 organizations.

In a July 4th letter to all 67 of Florida's sheriffs, Florida Libertarian Party Chairman Adrian Wyllie wrote, "We turn to you as our last line of defense against a federal government that is usurping authority and ignoring the rule of law. If you have TSA agents within your county that are violating the law, then you must act."

The letter called on sheriffs to arrest TSA employees who violate the law.

Retired Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, a renowned author and Constitutionalist, will be speaking at the rally. "The sheriff who keeps his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, does not allow anyone to violate or abuse his constituents," said Mack about the rally. "Do you know what happens when your sheriff stands for what's right? Freedom!"

Organizers cite the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees all Americans the right to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects against warrantless and unreasonable searches by government. They point out that sheriffs are sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution, and that the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized sheriffs as the highest Constitutional authority within their jurisdiction. "We are simply asking the sheriffs to honor their oath and do their job" said Alex Snitker, syndicated radio talk host and 2010 U.S. Senate candidate.

The LPF has received very little response to their request to the sheriffs. "Even though they have the U.S. Constitution, the Florida Constitution, and multiple Florida statutes on their side, sheriffs seem hesitant to enforce the law," said Wyllie. He points out that their reluctance seems to be based in fear of confronting the federal government, despite their sworn duty and uphold the Constitution.

Andrew Nappi, coordinator of the Florida Tenth Amendment Center, will be one of the many speakers at the rally. "The TSA, which has become synonymous with 'Temporary Sexual Assault,' should be held accountable to the rule of law," said Nappi. "We commend the LPF for being the only political party in Florida to stand up for our civil liberties, and we are proud to stand with them."

Rally organizers contend that the TSA imaging systems, commonly known as "naked body scanners," are a violation of the Fourth Amendment, and may violate child pornography laws when used on children. They also point out that these scanners, which emit radiation, may be a health hazard, citing data that indicates a correlation between the scanners an a rapid increase in cancer rates among TSA employees. The Department of Homeland Security has denied that the scanners pose a health hazard to employees or travelers, and has refused to comply with OSHA and other regulatory standards regarding x-ray machines and radiation-emitting devices.

Organizers also object to the enhanced pat-downs performed by TSA agents on travelers who refuse to be scanned. "Not only do the enhanced pat-downs violated the Bill of Rights and Article One, Section 12 of the the Florida Constitution, they are clearly in violation of statues regarding lewd and lascivious behavior, and in some cases even felony sexual battery," said Wyllie. "The sheriffs apparently believe that if the federal government does it, then it must be lawful. That's a very dangerous fallacy."

I very much doubt Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen will attend ours in Ft. Walton tonight.

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