Sunday, July 24, 2011


I do. Just for about 10 weeks now, and I'm normal now. BUT...aside from the muscle cramps I was told to watch for, I didn't know until now that there are many problems associated with them, and I'm thinking I should not be on the one I take. I've lost weight, I walk at 120 bpm for a half hour most nights, lowered my bp to normal, and I feel great, but I'm trying to lose more weight and eating healthier.

I don't like taking medicine. Any kind. I've been pretty healthy.

So here's the link to the Google search on side effects of these drugs. I guess you have to read everything you can and make your own informed decision.

I'm asking myself as I type this - Why am I endangering my liver, for Pete's sake? Is this just Big Pharma controlling my senior years?,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=aeb16183bfd07c66&biw=1257&bih=564

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