Saturday, June 18, 2011


A couple of years ago I had a persistent cough. I don't like x-rays. I will go for a CT scan only if my life depends on it. But it was so persistent I became suspicious. After all, I'd smoked for 10 years, and stopped in my 30s. But still, I was exposed to second hand smoke, and my age...

So I went for an x-ray. And all through the process, I HATED IT.

Now the liberal NYT comes out and says physicians are overusing radiation for their Medicare patients. Well, it's an x-ray, folks. And you are x-rayed plenty. If you travel and opt for the scan, you are receiving a large dose of radiation you shouldn't have.

Radiation is bad for you.

Read about it.

You shouldn't opt for a radiation scan for anything unless there is no other way to diagnose you, and certainly, we should not be subjected to radiation in an airport against our will, or suffer at the hand wearing a blue glove. Those blue gloves are NOT changed for every pat down.

You never know whose vagina they were in, or how much fecal material or virus or bacteria you are getting in the skin-to-blue glove patdown.

Now think about that for the rest of the evening.


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