Sunday, June 19, 2011


Hearings on ATF-DOJ gun smuggling scandal to begin June 13

  • June 7, 2011 3:11 pm ET

Anthony Martin

    Several major updates have surfaced concerning the continually developing gun smuggling scandal at the Department of Justice and its agency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
First, Congressional hearings on the case will begin June 13 in the U.S. House of Representatives. According to David Codrea, one of the two who first broke the story, Congressman Darrell Issa who chairs the committee conducting the hearings has released his first list of witnesses who will provide testimony on June 13: Charles Tiefer, Morton Rosenberg, and Todd Tatelman. All three are Democrat appointees who will testify against the Democrats who allegedly perpetrated the scandal.
Second, Issa's hearings in the House will be conducted in 3 phases, according to blogger Mike Vanderboegh, who along with David Codrea helped break the story. The first phase will focus on allegations and factual information, including evidence. Phase Two will focus on Mexico and witnesses who have first-hand knowledge about the Mexican connection. The 3rd phase is the biggie. Issa will call to testify the big names at the DOJ and the ATF who are up to their necks in the scandal but have thus far refused to provide information. Apparently there is now sufficient evidence to show that these top officials share culpability in the scandal.
Following the three phases of hearings, Issa plans to appoint a Special Prosecutor with the power to bring charges against some of the top officials in the U.S. government.
In another major development, The Hill reports that Issa has uncovered major new evidence in the case and that subpoenas are in the process of being issued. That evidence implicates some of the top officials within the DOJ who gave the ultimate go-ahead on the implementation of the scheme.
According to one inside source quoted by both Codrea and Vanderboegh, 'Eric Holder is toast. If he stays out of federal prison I will be surprised.'
Further, in an interview on Fox News Congressman Issa stated that the scandal, known by the names 'Project Gunwalker,' 'Project Gunrunner,' and 'Operation Fast and Furious,' is not a 'rogue operation,' meaning that the illegal scheme to place U.S. guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels was conceived and approved by the highest levels of the Department of Justice. The agents involved were not operating on the their own but with the approval of their superiors and top Obama appointees at the DOJ.
It has been suggested by many that the ultimate goal of the operation was to attempt to 'prove' that U.S. guns are arming the drug cartels so that the Obama Administration could then make the case for massive new gun control laws.

Continue reading on Hearings on ATF-DOJ gun smuggling scandal to begin June 13 - National Conservative |

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