Thursday, June 30, 2011


I found this in the comments portion of a website I visit often. Please read and act accordingly.

I just recieved a call from my best freind. He informed me that one of his drivers has a freind who is an Engineer at Gavins Point Dam on the SD/NE line.

The face of Gavins Point Dam is cracking under the preasure of the floodwater buildup and could burst soon.

Military men have just completed the setting of charges on 25% of the face of the dam in preparation to blow it if the dam continues to crack. They are afraid the dam is going to give way and in an effort to save most of it, they have set charges to blow it in an attempt to relieve some of the preasure of the floodwaters.

This will spell catastrophic results for EVERYTHING downriver…..including Omaha’s riverfront and a good portion of downtown.

As you know, ALL photography is banned at the Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant and a 3 mile “no-fly” zone has been implimented which is roughly 15 miles due north of my house because it’s apparently under water as I write this to you. Last week they are reported to have had a level 4 emergency fire which affected the coolant of the rods but was dealt with quickly and no damage occured at that time. However, if the dam is blown, the results could be Biblical in proportion…

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