Friday, May 13, 2011


This post belongs as part 3 of an earlier one started yesterday or the day before. The interview should be on the Alex Jones Channel at Youtube . I only gave you parts 1 and 2. You really should see that last video but this will bring you up to speed on the continuing hoax.

Sorry. Blogger was down most of yesterday and this morning and I'm getting a really late start.

You know, some of you who read these things and can't believe them, can't believe and can't admit to yourself that our government would be so darkly evil. That would crash your world, crash your mind. But think of how it would feel to accept the truth and turn your thinking into positive change for our country. It may be painful. It may kill you. But it's worth it. We need to stop this regime by saying "NO", and rebuild our country with the Constitution as its cornerstone.

So, I hurry on.

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