Sunday, May 22, 2011


This is from the Israeli newspaper "Arutz Sheva". You can subscribe for free and get this very good publication in your email. Every American should be watching what the devil-in-chief is doing to bring down our country, but the country of Israel.

1. MK Katz Warns AIPAC, ‘Obama Put a Gun to Israel’s Head’
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu 'Obama Put Gun to Israel’s Head’

“Don’t fall for U.S. President Barack Obama’s magical oratory. He put a gun to Israel’s head and asked it to commit suicide,” National Union chairman and Knesset Member Yaakov (Ketzaleh) Katz MK wrote the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Sunday.

The legislator continued, “I urge you not to be captured by his magic tongue because he actually is asking you for your votes and your money.”

President Obama is scheduled to address the annual AIPAC convention in Washington Sunday night, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will speak the following night. Both leaders traded opposing policy views in their weekend meeting at the White House, particularly on the borders of Israel, which the Palestinian Authority and President Obama want shrunk to those that existed as the temporary Armistice Lines in 1949 until the Six-Day War in 1967.

MK Katz wrote to AIPAC committee members, “The People of Israel, in the Diaspora for 2,000 years, developed a sense of who loves us and who hates us. President Obama knows very well that former Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban described the 1967 borders as ‘Auschwitz borders.’”

The National Union chairman noted that Israeli news polls show that an overwhelming majority of Israel view President Obama as hostile to Israel.

“The People of Israel will not fall for the false charm of posters, slogans, cellophane wrappers of sweetened drugs of death", he concluded.
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2. Obama Looking Ahead For Votes and Money at AIPAC Speech
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Obama Looking Past AIPAC

U.S. President Barack Obama should find an eloquent way to back down on his stated policy that would shrink Israel within the “Auschwitz borders” that existed from 1949-1967 when he speaks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Sunday, the group’s former spokesman Josh Block told

Israel National News will provide on-the-spot coverage of the three-day AIPAC event.

Ben Smith reported that Block suggested language to "make clear” that he did not in fact tell Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, in a televised conversation from the White House, that Israel must surrender all of the land restored to the Jewish State in the Six-Day War in 1967.

Block suggested that President Obama agree with Prime Minister Netanyahu and say, “Everyone understands the lines as they were in 1949/1967 are not defensible, and no one can expect Israel to accept them as final borders, but they can form the basis for negotiation, as they have in the past. As I have said, changes must be mutually agreed, and swaps should compensate for territory exchanged.”

President Obama might say that a surrender of land beyond the 1949-67borders is not mandatory and that defensible borders can be obtained through land swaps, which is a non-starter for Israeli Arabs who would find themselves in a PA state.

A backtrack on his policy statement would not be the first time that President Obama used verbal footwork after speaking to AIPAC. In a 2008 pre-election address, Obama received thunderous applause when he stated that Jerusalem is Israel’s “eternal and undivided capital.” The next day, after equally thunderous Arab protests, he backed down and said that he meant that the Palestinian Authority and Israel should agree among themselves where the borders of Jerusalem should be placed.

He later clarified his statement even further, claiming that his term ”undivided” referred to a situation where Jerusalem would not be separated again by the barbed wire fence that existed during the Jordanian occupation of large areas of the city between 1949 and 1967.

Even before his speech and meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Jewish donors and fundraisers have warned President Obama’s election campaign officials that he is losing financial support.

A sharp drop in Jewish support surfaced last year when President Obama snubbed Prime Minister Netanyahu during a visit, which passed without the ritual of a joint meal and a joint press conference.

The president suffered more bad press by calling Jerusalem neighborhoods "settlements" in areas of the capital claimed by the Palestinian Authority.

In contrast, this time the visiting Prime Minister thanked his host for “warm hospitality,” and President Obama’s only interruption of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s remarks at the televised meeting was to add that Israel is a “great” nation and not only a "small" one as Prime Minister Netanyahu described it.

The Journal reported that donations from the key state of Florida are in danger. It also quoted a large donor from Virginia as saying he will not vote for Obama in 2012. "I'm very disappointed with him," said developer Robert Copeland. "His administration has failed on Israel. They degraded the Israeli people."

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