Tuesday, May 24, 2011


A friend fielded me this one last night.

How would you answer it?

Why do you hate obama so much?

1 comment:

  1. It's not that I hate obama; I don't. As boys, we were taught not to hate but to love others and do unto them as we would want to be treated. We were punished or very
    sternly reprimanded when we spoke hate of one another or others. Also, we were reminded of the Bible's admonitions and warnings of
    I hate what he has done to this country, our open, free-market economic system, our world image, our valued allies over the world, our space program, the rights
    Constitutionally reserved and guaranteed to our States, and his total disregard and disrespect of our Constitution. I hate that he and his wife have been an unrefined, uncouth embarrassment to this country and their chosen professions.
    I especially hate, as commander in chief, the sad example he is setting for his two innocent, unaware little girls and our valiant troops. For, in the future, you may be sure, they will suffer embarrassment at the hands of his pathetic influence, lack of character, and privation of moral and ethical backbone and fiber.
    I believe he is the biggest liar of our time...certainly, since America emerged in 1776 as a representative Republic. After he took office, it soon became obvious: Instead of "of the people, by the people, and for the people", his policies became "of obama, for obama, and by obama". Damn the Founding Fathers!
    I hate that he is fostering racial hatred and using "divide and conquer" against Americans. I hate that he is a communist in a social progressive cloak. I hate, especially, he is a Constitutional criminal..almost from the moment he took the sworn Oath. I hate that he is a globalist. He is without moral and ethical character and can not be believed. I don't think he is to be trusted with any decision, no matter how small. He is arrogant, a narcissist, an opportunistic, bottom feeder and completely out of touch with American citizens.
    He, too, is spiteful, vindictive, and resentful of his "so-called" opponents. Look at what he did to Joe the Plumber!! By law, Americans are required to submit valid birth certificates and social security documents. Yet, as a tyrannical despot, he does not.
    He has shown by his actions that he is thoughtless, reckless, and unconcerned. I believe he is a monocratic, repressive thug at heart....right out of Chicago's gangster South Side. He has the heart of a dictator. A tyrant. A Hitler. Did you not see the diabolic evil in his eyes as Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke to him and the press? It was demonic!
    Primarily, he is not to be trusted. He is a manipulating conspirator, a liar, a money-merchant, and he is destroying my country. I can hate his policies and philosophies for these things.
