Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dear NaturalNews readers,

You just gotta love the whole media / White House circus over the Osama Bin Laden announcements. Remember when we were told we had to go after these dangerous terrorists so we could be safer? Remember when we were told that the terror alerts had to be put on orange and red because Bin Laden was "living in a cave" and plotting to bomb us?

Well now that the White House insists they've killed Bin Laden, where's the celebration of freedom and safety? Why aren't we firing the TSA and reversing the Patriot Act? Isn't the danger now over? Can we bring bottled water back on airplanes again?

Instead, the government now says that killing Osama Bin Laden makes America MORE dangerous because his cohorts might seek "revenge."

Huh? Wait a sec... so killing Bin Laden makes America less safe? Wasn't the entire sales job on this supposed to be that killing Bin Laden would make us more safe?

Check out the logic here: George W. Bush said if we don't kill Bin Laden, we won't be safe. Obama says now that we DID kill Bin Laden, things are even less safe. So apparently, according to the U.S. government, killing them or not killing produces exactly the same result. We're all in danger, they insist, no matter who they kill.

Do you see the total perpetual war con job America has been sold over the years, spanning multiple presidents? There are no conditions under which we can go back to being "safe and secure," you see. There is no list of outlaws that can be taken out so that the government announces "There, now we're safe. All the bad guys are gone." Nope, instead we get this perpetual war setup that keeps the munitions manufacturers rolling in dough while our soldiers keep coming home in body bags. It is a complete con job, and it's all being used to strip away our constitutional rights and freedoms, too.

Anyway, all this is just one more sign that our world has gone completely and utterly mad... and the whole thing is entirely unsustainable.

Today, I wrote a story about the 14 signs that we are already living through the collapse of modern civilization. The collapse has begun! It doesn't happen overnight, you see. These things take time to unravel. And what might seem like a moment in history to people in the future actually feels like a slow-moving train wreck when you're living through it.

Check out my list of the 14 signs right here:

Just to prove that the U.S. government is good at more than just killing foreign-looking misfits, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has decided to blow stuff up. By the time you read this, they probably will have already blown up a levee near the New Madrid fault line -- the exact same fault line that threatens much of the Midwest (Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois) and is due to be triggered any year now, even without explosives:

What does all this have to do with your health? It all comes down to mental health, of course. And as you can tell just from looking around these days, the mental health of the people running our world is highly suspect. Most of these folks are such clowns that if you could gather them all under one tent, you could sell tickets to the circus!

And speaking of clowns, have you heard about the mental disorder specialists who now claim that healthy eating is a disease? Yep: It's called "orthorexia nervosa" and it's back in the news again as the newest "mental affliction" striking those who refuse to swallow chemical food additives:


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