Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I asked..."Did you get groped?"

The answer: Oh yes, and it was nasty.

Q: Did they go inside your underwear?

A: Yes. It was bad. Really nasty.

Q: Did you ask him to change his gloves?

A: Yeah. He didn't. So I told him I may have contracted a communicable disease.
Then he said, "You're supposed to tell us." I said, "How do I know?" I told him the blue
gloves won't protect him from viruses and that he is transmitting disease to travelers. And
then I told him that he's going to die by getting fried by x-rays in 5 years because he's
because they're all standing next to an unprotected radiation chamber. That rattled him.

There are so many foreigners doing this, and they're all knuckledragging ignoramuses.
They're really arrogant and really nasty.

Q: You think they're illegals?

A: I don't have any doubt.

Q: I want to put this on my blog.

A: Go ahead. And tell the people to call or write their Representatives and Congressmen.
I'm finished traveling. If I won tickets to anywhere in the world, I wouldn't accept them. There are uniformed people crawling all over this airport and the others.
Jackboots. Uniforms. This is a police state. It's here. Now.

This is from a 70 year-old male American citizen.

Have we been brainwashed again in to compliance? Aren't you getting dizzy from rolling over?

Toll-free to Congress: 1-877-851-6437

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