Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I guess Big Sis Napolitano missed this, too?

I think very much, I want her job.

Janet, here's the deal. You aren't performing well at all. We need to replace you. You want to do something to redeem yourself? Scrap the scanners for all the reasons you well know. Sell them for scrap. Or to industries that use these for quality control. Got that?

Next thing. Obama gave you over a billion dollars for new scanners. Don't do that. Instead, you take that money and start building a fry and die fence on the border. That the Mexican border.
You haven't lived up to your promise there, but if you do what I suggest, it'll help your reputation which is so far down the well now, it's not even up to the gutter.

PR trips aren't going to fix it.

You are horribly unreasonable and unfit for the job.

You simply don't have a clue.

The border could be made of one strip of toilet paper. It's that simple.

You're taking up office space and wasting taxpayer money.

I suggest you give me a month in your chair and then step down. I can do the job.

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