Monday, February 14, 2011


Do you honestly believe that AFTER you give them the green-light to squander more of your hard-earned money, our elected officials are going to suddenly discover the virtues of frugality?

Let's face facts, our elected officials are behaving like the moron who maxes-out his credit cards and then has the idiotic audacity to ask all of his creditors to raise his credit limit so he can cash advance those same credit cards in order to make the monthly minimum payments without having to sacrifice his monthly beer-money allowance?

It's time to put a stop to this foolishness... here and now. You've heard the reports. The powers that be claim that the United States MUST raise its debt ceiling or default on its debt. But that simply isn't true... it's a load of bunk... it's a lie... a scare tactic that is being promoted by politicians (Republicans and Democrats alike) who are simply too addicted to spending your money.

Even Speaker of the House John Boehner, has gotten into the act: “Congress must approve taking on more debt, which currently is growing by more than $4 billion per day. If it doesn't approve raising the ceiling, then the U.S. will default on its loans and lose its standing as the globe's most reliable bet."

BALONEY... the United States DOES NOT lack the money to pay its current debt obligations... the problem is that the United States lacks the funds to pay its current debt obligations AND spend all of the money our elected officials WANT to squander on waste and pork.

And make no mistake, if we allow our elected officials to hoodwink us... if we allow them to raise the debt ceiling (even with a hollow and false promise that they'll cut spending in the immediate future), we'll send these tax-and-spend charlatans a clear message... they'll simply jump up and down with glee (behind closed doors) and yell in delight.... 'We fooled 'em again... they bought it... and we can keep spending their hard-earned money like there is no tomorrow... YIPPEE.'

Don't let them get away with it. This addiction to our hard-earned money must stop here and now. We must draw a line in the sand. We must teach these elected officials, once and for all, that, like the rest of us, they must live within their means... we must tell them that their will be no raising of the debt ceiling under ANY circumstances... PERIOD... END OF SENTENCE... and the time to send that message is right now.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Let them know, in no uncertain terms that you're not buying the claptrap that they are selling. Tell them that the American people know that there is no need, under any circumstances, to raise the debt ceiling. Tell them that in these trying economic times that average Americans have had to cut corners and that it is high time that they learned to do the same.

Tell them that the American people know that meeting our debt obligation only constitutes approximately 6.5% of the money the government is obligated to spend. Tell them that if they are truly serious about cutting wasteful and runaway spending, they should support Senator Pat Toomey's plan that would require the Treasury to make interest payments on our debt its first priority and that they can figure out how they wish to squander the remaining 93.5% AFTER our debt obligations are met.

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Raising The Debt Ceiling Is Voodoo Economics. Senator Pat Toomey Has A Plan.

Let's take another look at Boehner's statement: "Congress must approve taking on more debt, which currently is growing by more than $4 billion per day. If it doesn't approve raising the ceiling, then the U.S. will default on its loans and lose its standing as the globe's most reliable bet."

Now let's look at REALITY, courtesy of our good friend Joseph Farah, the editor and publisher of “What Boehner is preaching here is true voodoo economics. However, if we keep raising the debt limit and keep borrowing, eventually there will be no way out of the hole Washington is digging. A default would come from a failure to pay the principal or interest on the existing debt, which represents only about 6 percent of everything the federal government has to pay . Living under the debt ceiling doesn't prohibit serving the debt. It merely prohibits any more borrowing." [Emphasis Ours]

That point bears repeating. Meeting the payments on our debt only constitutes a scant 6% of everything the government has to pay, and living under the debt ceiling DOESN'T prohibit us from paying our debt... it simply PROHIBITS us from BORROWING.

Now, with the above point in mind, consider the following: Due to the gross incompetence and negligence of the Pelosi-Reid Congress, there was no federal budget approved for this fiscal year. Presently, we're spending money under a continuing resolution.

Here's an idea: Would it not stand to reason that our elected officials, if they were truly serious about cutting runaway spending, could simply approve a budget for this year that prioritizes paying the debt first and THEN allocates the other 93.5% toward everything else? As those in the younger generation say these days; that would be too much like right.

Fortunately, freshman Senator Pat Toomey, Senator Jim DeMint, Representative Michele Bachmann, and a few other brave souls, are debunking the conventional idiocy. We must give these brave elected officials our support.

In recent Wall Street Journal editorial, Toomey states: "In fact, if Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling, the federal government will still have far more than enough money to fully service our debt. Next year, for instance, about 6.5% of all projected federal government expenditures will go to interest on our debt... why would we ever default? To make absolutely sure, I intend to introduce legislation that would require the Treasury to make interest payments on our debt its first priority in the event that the debt ceiling is not raised."

Of course, Toomey's message is still falling upon deaf ears because far too many in Congress (Democrats and Republicans alike) are NOT really serious about cutting spending and are drowning-out reasoned voices with Chicken-Little scare tactics. We're not going to let them get away with it.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Let them know, in no uncertain terms that you're not buying the claptrap that they are selling. Tell them that the American people know that there is no need, under any circumstances, to raise the debt ceiling. Tell them that in these trying economic times that average Americans have had to cut corners and that it is high time that they learned to do the same.

Tell them that the American people know that meeting our debt obligation only constitutes approximately 6.5% of the money the government is obligated to spend. Tell them that if they are truly serious about cutting wasteful and runaway spending, they should support Senator Pat Toomey's plan that would require the Treasury to make interest payments on our debt its first priority and that they can figure out how they wish to squander the remaining 93.5% AFTER our debt obligations are met.

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The Sky Is Not Falling: Our Elected Officials Are Failing.

Already economic scare-mongers such as Austan Goolsbee, chairman of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers, are harping on the fanciful, pro-government spending line. Goolsbee argues that if the Republican Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling the “impact on the economy would be catastrophic.”

That's clap-trap of the highest order. The real catastrophe is that we owe 14 TRILLION DOLLARS. If that isn’t catastrophic then what is?

We have to stop borrowing because politicians and those in government have proven themselves, time and again, unable to restrain their spending. They have broken promises not to spend more... they have ignored calls not to spend more... and the slimy tentacles of Washington are beginning to creep through the halls of Congress once again.

Weighty memos and reports, so heavy that they need to be pushed around on handcarts by interns, offer convoluted and foggy economic reasons why it is “vital” that the future generations of Americans be saddled with a crushing debt.

After a lifetime of behaving like a spoiled child, our government has spent its allowance and now readily expects that we'll happily put our hands in our pockets for them once again, happily signing their IOU’s that cannot be paid.

Well no more. The irresponsibility must come to an end and it must come to an end NOW. They will get no more from us, they will get no more IOU’s written off the backs of our unborn grandchildren.

The American credit card is maxed-out. As a nation, we owe trillions of dollars to some very bad people around the globe. This planned raising of the debt ceiling is not needed. It is just an attempt by a money-grubbing beast with an insatiable appetite to delay the inevitable... the pain of the cuts that MUST come to the bloated government budget. It is the same behavior that addicts display when they have their narcotics taken away.

The government has got to go into rehab. It has to have its need for other people's money broken. It is time for the American People to take a stand against the excesses.

This time, in one clear voice, we must tell Congress... Enough. You will not get any more money. Your outrageous spending has tallied up to 14 Trillion. We the American People don’t have any more to give you and neither do our grandchildren.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Let them know, in no uncertain terms that you're not buying the claptrap that they are selling. Tell them that the American people know that there is no need, under any circumstances, to raise the debt ceiling. Tell them that in these trying economic times that average Americans have had to cut corners and that it is high time that they learned to do the same.

Tell them that the American people know that meeting our debt obligation only constitutes approximately 6.5% of the money the government is obligated to spend. Tell them that if they are truly serious about cutting wasteful and runaway spending, they should support Senator Pat Toomey's plan that would require the Treasury to make interest payments on our debt its first priority and that they can figure out how they wish to squander the remaining 93.5% AFTER our debt obligations are met.

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Brother: Can You Spare A Few Trillion?

Of course, our government is not used to cutting its cloth accordingly. In the past every time it ran short of cash it just helped itself to some more. In the good times, nobody noticed and so, they figured, nobody cared. Well... things have changed now.

Are you short on money? You and the federal government are both in the same boat. You respond by learning to live with less... you do without.

But it's all hunky-dory for them because they have a cunning plan... they are just going to raise their credit line... and take the money straight out of your pocket. It will be a government mandated mugging.

With a flick of a pen they will increase how much they can borrow... and, make no mistake, if we allow them to get away with it, they WILL spend every last cent of it... they don't care about paying it back.

As far as they are concerned, that’s your job, and you children's job, your unborn grandchildren’s job and probably their children as well.

Well... no more. Just as we have learned how to adjust our lifestyles in these trying times to fit our budgets, so must our government and those in Washington who we elect to govern effectively and efficiently.

Mark our words, we've been down this road of hollow and empty promises before... if we allow these money-grubbers to raise the debt ceiling, there will be NO SPENDING CUTS and all the hopes and dreams of America’s unborn generations will be destroyed as surely as if they were stacked in a pile and incinerated.

This freshmen Congress was sent to Washington to take control of this runaway spending train. The time has come to administer a short sharp shock to those who are straying from their promises. We the American People DEMAND that the debt ceiling NOT be raised... under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

We will not be fooled... we will not be tricked and we REFUSE to load another dime onto the backs of future American generations.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Let them know, in no uncertain terms that you're not buying the claptrap that they are selling. Tell them that the American people know that there is no need, under any circumstances, to raise the debt ceiling. Tell them that in these trying economic times that average Americans have had to cut corners and that it is high time that they learned to do the same.

Tell them that the American people know that meeting our debt obligation only constitutes approximately 6.5% of the money the government is obligated to spend. Tell them that if they are truly serious about cutting wasteful and runaway spending, they should support Senator Pat Toomey's plan that would require the Treasury to make interest payments on our debt its first priority and that they can figure out how they wish to squander the remaining 93.5% AFTER our debt obligations are met.

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Floyd Brown

Floyd Brown

"center"> is a project of the Policy Issues Institute.
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