Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Below is an email I got from Defenders of Wildlife and Roger Schlickelson, the director. This morning on the news I heard that some of the Yellowstone herd of these bison above, a precious indigenous species, are corralled in Gardiner, awaiting slaughter. The fear of transmitting brucellosis is the reason, though no scientific data exists, apparently, that interspecies transmission is possible. And then we have the ranchers. And when you have big ranch interests (like big agra), you get the filth of politics involved.

If you have ever been to Yellowstone, left your vehicle to watch the herd in the Lamar Valley (above) or an isolated bison on a road, grazing, you know how important each of these animals is, and how important they are to the Yellowstone area, an ancestral home.

We decimated the herds that ran free across the horizon. We owe them. They are part of the heritage of the nation and should be protected at all costs.

Salazar isn't a very good steward. Neither is Vilsak.

Here is the letter, and remember, the toll-free number to Congress is 877-851-6437. Your Senators and Representatives should hear from you on this. It's on the Defenders of Wildlife website with a link to sent a letter to Salazar and Vilsak and a place to leave a comment of your own within the letter.

As a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife and someone who cares about protecting some of America's last true, wild bison, I implore you to intervene to prevent the slaughter of wild bison as they leave Yellowstone National Park each winter in search of food. Almost 400 are now being held in a federal corral near Gardiner, Montana, and many more are likely on the way due to harsh winter conditions. These corralled bison are being tested for the disease brucellosis. Those that test positive will be slaughtered. Montana officials fear that the bison will spread disease to livestock; however, no bison-to-cattle transmission of brucellosis has ever been reported. Other bison may be killed as well, since the corrals are only designed to hold 400 bison and federal agents have been aggressively rounding up all bison that stray from Yellowstone National Park. These bison should be allowed to roam free beyond Yellowstone, not executed over exaggerated fears. Federal officials should allow bison to roam freely in the Gallatin National Forest. Some bison should also be transferred to the Fort Belknap and Fort Peck Indian Reservations in eastern Montana where tribes wish to restore these amazing animals. Without additional habitat, the terrible cycle of corralling and slaughter will continue. Our bison need more places to roam free. Bison hold a special place in the American story. Please help act on common-sense solutions to prevent their slaughter. Thank you for considering my comments.

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