Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Last night I sent the link below to several on my email list. This is the response I got this morning. We have the last three administrations (at least) to thank for this, since they have pared down our strength militarily. The fraud in the White House has further softened and emasculated this country so that the globalists can destroy us and pick our bones, IF there is anything left.

Do me a favor. Call your elected officials in Washington and tell them you want the fraud in the White House exposed, and that you will not put up with the weakening defenses of our country.
A strong military is a serious deterrent to war and attack. For instance, Egypt's military might may even be greater than ours. China's, too. Check it out in Google. If I can find out today,
I will post it here. Give me a hand.

Good Morning.  Good way to start a Wednesday morning.

We ALL "should" know this is coming, it is just when and where. As a senior military intelligence officer (counter-intelligence), I can tell you that I believe we have this year (2011) to prepare ourselves for what will be unprecedented in the U.S., if not human history. My anticipation is that the ragheads will bust dirty nukes near our nuclear plants in the East, as
many as they can muster up. The cascading power grid failures will make the vast majority of the U.S. east of the Mississippi essentially a dark
continent. My educated guess is that TOD (Target Operational Date) will be ng a major event date when a very high number of Americans are on the
road traveling. Memorial Day would stand out for me.

You have seen what happens when there is even the most minor interruption in services (fire, police, power, food) in past events. Almost all of our
"daily" supplies are no longer moved from warehouse to wholesale/retail outlets. Our national warehouses are 18 wheelers. These past events are
not even a worthy precursor to a general power failure and the spontaneous results of people living like clustered rats, paw to mouth, in the large
cities. Anarchy and the collapse of the federal government (the only positive result), is a given. The state government (ours in Alabama) will
be overwhelmed with the hordes of "entitlement people" gone wild, particularly in the greater Birmingham and Montgomery area.

Masses of people will travel at first by vehicle, then as fuel runs out and vehicles congregate and choke major arterial highways, the migration
continues on foot. Won't take long for fellow American citizen's (of all kinds) to show up at your door, 1/2 starved with no hope and no place to go.
What will you do? Expect the strongest of the migrants to survive off the weaker. They will find places to camp and operate from as they forage for
the survival of their selected band.

If you live remotely STAY THERE. The general, less populated regions of Alabama are some of the safest places to be in the "short term". Long term
is anyone's guess. You may choose to prepare all phases of off government support for your families for as long as you are financially capable. You
may choose to have a "plan" in place for the immediate family to vacate their location and "flow" to your chosen "safe place", or you can throw
yourself on God's mercy and pray for the best. God helps those who help themselves.

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