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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Someone gets it.

In the last four days, the idiocy of certain electedofficials has been on full display. Liberals have screamed and ran, demanding repeal of the 1stAmendment and the 2nd Amendment. The left has been using this crisis, or as Rahm Emmanuelsaid, not letting it go to waste.

The silly gun control legislation proposed by CongressmanCarolyn McCarthy will not go anywhere, nor will the proposed prohibitionagainst language or drawings that a Congressman might PERCEIVE asthreatening.

The one piece of legislation that had the potential ofpassing and doing real damage was Peter King’s bill that would prohibitfirearms within 1000 feet of a congressman.

House Speaker John Boehner has put a quick end to thatbill. According to reports, King’ssuggestion was received “coldly” by Boehner.

Good for him!

Something else happened in the last few days that saysBoehner gets it.

Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, someone realized theSpeaker of the House could be a target. Like any other member of Congress, he flies back to his district on aregular basis. Before 9/11, DennisHastert flew commercial.

After 9/11, security officials thought better of it andarranged for Hastert to be flown in a small executive jet to and from hisdistrict. All was fine until wemade the mistake of putting the party of treason in charge of thecongress.

Nancy Pelosi whined that the jet the Air Force provided didnot have the range to make it to San Francisco non-stop. Instead of suffering the inconvenienceof having to stop to be refueled in Denver, Queen Nancy demanded the Air Forcemake available to her a 757 VIP transport. If Pelosi did not like her choices, she could havemade her own arrangements. As of 2009 her net worth was estimated to be between $7 million and...

She could certainly afford it but she did what any self-respectingliberal would do. She demandedthat the taxpayers pick up the tab for her party plane. And she turned it into a party plane and forced the American people...

When John Boehner became Speaker, knowing the outrage thatwas out there with Pelosi’s abuse of the Air Force transport, he announced hewould fly commercial to and from his district.

Then came the shootings last week.

You can bet at least one person on his staff came to him andsaid, “Mr. Speaker, in light of what has happened, you need to go back tohaving the Air Force take you to and from your district.”

To his great credit, John Boehner said no and said he willstill fly commercial.

For those of you who are on Twitter, John Boehner’s twitterhandle is @speakerboehner. Perhapsa note of encouragement would be appropriate.

After all, John Boehner seems to get it.

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