Monday, January 10, 2011


This is from the Declaration Alliance, part of their fax blitz to Congress. A lot of my readers I'm sure, cannot afford these faxes. It's cheaper to do it from home if you have a machine. I would LOVE to fax everyone in Congress every day about a myriad of things. You can have almost the same effect by email or a toll free call. That's why I am sending you this today to be wary of your Representative and tell them in person or via email, that you expect more of them than this. So, here's the bulletin of the day:

Yes, you read that correctly - at least two RNC Chair Candidates support ObamaCare. Current RNC Deputy Chair Maria Cino actually lobbied FOR ObamaCare, and Wisconsin State RNC Chairman Reince Priebus' law firm not only supports ObamaCare but claims it is Constitutional!

And in a recent meeting with special interest groups, RINO Rep. Bob Corker, (R-TN), told his big money donors that he has no intention of repealing ObamaCare and that he will protect special interests from what he calls the newly elected "CRAZY REPUBLICANS" -- otherwise known as God-fearing Americans still loyal to the Constitution.

The new Congress is only just arriving in Washington, yet the pressure in on to ward off the expressed Will of the People, by trying to impose a RINO agenda on the newly elected Constitutionalists while the ObamaCare Death Panels begin secret meetings to implement their ghoulish and mercenary plans.

BUT THERE IS HOPE! The fax campaign we started over the holidays IS WORKING! Incoming Chair of the Committee on Energy & Commerce, Fred Upton, (R-MI) -- a "born-again Constitutionalist" since he heard the expressed Will of the People, says he is close to having enough votes to repeal ObamaCare AND override any attempt by Obama to block the repeal! We must turn up the heat and ensure Upton gets those votes! Join us as we demand Democrats and RINOS fall in line with the incoming Constitutional Republicans and the Will of the People - ObamaCare MUST BE REPEALED NOW!

Meanwhile, the ObamaCare DEATH PANELS are already meeting. Zeke "Dr. Death" Emanuel and Donald "Mr. Cancer-Patients-Don't-Deserve-Treatment" Berwick, are holding closed door, invitation-only meetings to determine who will live and die under ObamaCare. If you are a child or a post baby-boomer, look out... According to Dr. Death writing in the Lancet Journal, "Individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance [of receiving care], whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated." By definition, attenuated means "to thin or reduce in amount." Obama and his socialist cronies keep insisting there are no "death panels" yet here is his chief "medical care reform" advisor publicly proclaiming to what age criteria he will be thinning the human herd!

In the historic election of November 2010, we the People gave Washington a clear mandate - END THE SOCIALIST-PROGRESSIVE POLITICS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. This demand is made of Democrats and Republicans alike. We must ENSURE that Congress abides by the Will of the People.
Our Resolutions for the 112th Congress:

  1. No Funding for ObamaCare - REPEAL IT ALL
  2. No Funding for Abortion and Eugenics Death Dealers
  3. Stop Spending - Pay off the debt crippling our country
  4. No Borrowing - No Raising the Debt Ceiling - Balance the budget... ALL of the budget
  5. Restore our Liberty and Sovereignty - No laws or mandates shall be passed that trump the Constitution or defy the Natural Law
  6. REVOKE, REPEAL AND RESCIND every single piece of socialism-promoting, Constitution-busting legislation passed by Lame Ducks

Join DAPAC in putting the 112th Congress on notice. Support the newly elected Constitutionalists as they stand strong against the Progressives. Let the RINOs know they had better end politics as usual and obey the wishes of their constituents. Let all of DC know that America is still a democratic Republic with a decent citizenry, and we demand a government OF the People, BY the People, FOR the People.

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