Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ED SCHULTZ ON THE ARIZONA SHOOTINGS http://www.mrc.org/biasalert/2011/20110110083519.aspx- A BIG, BIG BIAS ALERT


Words are used to convince and manipulate. What we have here is a biased leftist who has access to a microphone and a television camera. The left agenda is counter to our Constitution, our personal freedoms, our very way of life. They are working to sacrifice an entire country's moral and ethical values for the sake of their god, which is ultimately a one world enslavement of the masses and here in the USA, the desecration and destruction of our Constitution.

What has the newest lone assassin in Arizona got to do with it?

It's an opportunity they can't pass up. Remember Rahm Emanuel's little gem about exploiting a perfectly good crisis. Conservatives are the target. Sarah Palin, me, conservative bloggers, talk show hosts and certainly, the Tea Party aren't the problem. The incident was caused by a mentally disturbed young man who was lost and no one dared or cared to help him. I heard last night his family was dysfunctional. My bet is that he is schizophrenic and not diagnosed. Sounds like it to me, but I'm just an older lady who sifts through news.

The perpetrator is the problem.

Not guns.

The young man who tackled tackled him was carrying a gun in his pocket, restrained the wrong person, corrected his action, and became a hero. In an interview with Ed Schultz, he said he was ready to kill him if necessary, that this was his duty as a law abiding citizen, (to paraphrase), and
that shut Schultz up.

If I can find that clip, I will add it here. I know that conservative talk show host Burnie Thompson has it on his site.

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