Thursday, December 30, 2010


Take a look at this blog. There is something for everyone, including a piece from Dr. Oz AGAINST GM food.

Calling all People and Legislators to emulate Vermont!
Vermont says NO to S.510. After a sneak attack by both houses of Congress, Vermont has responded by declaring its food sovereignty and making a commitment to food freedom. This assertion of states rights is the correct course of action to combat the out-of-control Federal government. Please visit Vermont Commons to learn about how they are developing and implementing this initiative, then urge your state to do the same.

Time to get serious about Food Sovereignty.Time to get serious about Food Sovereignty.

WHEREAS All people are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; and

WHEREAS Food is human sustenance and is the fundamental prerequisite to life; and
WHEREAS The basis of human sustenance rests on the ability of all people to save seed, grow, process, consume and exchange food and farm products; and

WHEREAS We the People of Vermont, have an obligation to protect these rights as is the Common and Natural Law; and in recognition of the State’s proud agricultural heritage; and the necessity of agricultural, ecological and economic diversity and sustainability to a free and healthy Society;

THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that We The People, stand on our rights under the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution and reject such Federal decrees, statutes, regulations or corporate practices that threaten our basic human right to save seed, grow, process, consume and exchange food and farm products within the State of Vermont; and,
Be it further resolved, that We The People, shall resist any and all infringements upon these rights, from whatever sources that are contrary to the rights of the People of the State of Vermont.

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