Tuesday, November 2, 2010



If you are following this story, you will know that more bodies were found under a bridge, decomposing, near the kennel owner's home.

Here are the survivors.

I would very much like to start a movement to stop greyhound racing in Florida, and in every state. These are dogs. Not machines. They are not disposable. They are not expendable. They gentle, sweet and loving dogs, very calm by nature in the home.

How about it?

How about you call your Congressmen, state and federal. The gaming department in your states, your governors, your city councils, county commissions.

This case says a lot about the caliber of people involved in this blood sport - blood sport because ultimately, most of the dogs will die.

They are too precious to die like this. And to think the racetrack did not check on these dogs on its premises is leaves me cold. To turn away, or not even check on the animals, even if in the contract with the track, the owners are responsible for the dogs - couldn't one person check on the vacated kennels? Call the biggies - the ASPCA, HSUS, WSPCA, any animal organization with clout you can think of. This has to stop.

I'm sure there will be more on this issue in future days, and I will post it here. Yesterday, the Panama City News Herald ran another piece. It is in their archives.

Do these photos not sicken you - the cruelty of it all? Just for a buck?

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