Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Cliff Kincaid
America's Survival, Inc.

Dear Friend of America’s Survival, Inc.

The fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto is:

Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

We are seeing this in what the Federal Reserve is doing, printing more money and buying more debt. It is a deliberate policy of causing the decline of the dollar, which means that everything we have will be worth less. Charles Ortel of Newport Value Partners told me this action “borders on the criminal.”

Our recent “Marxism in America” conference examined Marxist influence in different areas of American life. Marxist influence in the economic area is most pronounced in the activities of the Federal Reserve. That is why we have been warning about the Fed’s power.

I have recently posted two important articles:

George Soros Bets on U.S. Economic Collapse: Why Glenn Beck is Right


STOP THE FED. Your wealth and the U.S.A. are at risk. Why is the Federal Reserve Waging a "War on Wealth?" CLICK HERE. Global Taxes Are on the Way. CLICK HERE. Financial analyst Charles Ortel talks to Cliff Kincaid about the coming "Global Regulatory Regime" after a U.S. default on its $50 trillion debt. It is time for Congress to STOP THE FED. Time is running out. CALL CONGRESS NOW AT 202-224-3121.

The lame duck session of Congress should take up this problem. Not only “audit the Fed,” but limit its power and authority and return the power to the people, where it belongs. My most recent column describes what is required to restore economic health to our nation.

Glenn Beck is a Johnnie-come-lately to the topic. Still, we must support his effort to tell the truth, especially because George Soros gave the leftist Media Matters group $1 million to silence him. Let’s hope that Beck gives credit to those who have been covering this problem for years before he took note.

Where is all of this heading? The likely outcome is world government financed by global taxes. That was the title of a book I wrote back in 1997. You can read it for free at www.usasurvival.org Click on the title of the book on the left hand side of the home page. We saws this coming before anybody else did.

My Global Taxes for World Government book followed my 1995 book, Global Bondage.

The good news is that, in the Senate, Senate David Vitter introduced Senate Resolution 461 opposing global taxes. He needs our support.

Beware of those selling advice on how to cope with the dollar’s decline and the financial collapse. Some will be trying to take advantage of you. All of my information is absolutely free. Use your own good judgment and talk to people you trust. Only distribute information you know to be true.

Please understand this is not a process that will happen overnight. The U.N. will not hold a news conference announcing world government. It will happen over time, through meetings of the Federal Reserve, other central banks, and the G-20 and G-8 groups of nations. Much of this will occur behind the scenes. Obama is attending the G-20 meeting in South Korea this Thursday and Friday. Keep your eyes on this. I will provide updates.

Please go to www.usasurvival.org and tell your family, friends, and neighbors about us. There is a place to sign up for our mailing lsit at the top of our home page at the left.

You can contact me directly at Kincaid@comcast.net

Please help spread the word.

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