Saturday, October 23, 2010


Here's another take on the same ad, but with commentary by Fox News.

I remember in the '40s, my family had a boycott on Japanese goods. My aunt, particularly.
She would look at labels and tags and put the item down, turn to me and say, "I will not buy Japanese products!" And then we'd walk away. Didn't matter if it was a toy for me or something for her or her family.

I heard the same phrase echo at my house.

Well, now it's MY house. Unless I absolutely MUST purchase something made outside the country, I will buy it at a thrift store, second hand, I'll shop garage sales or I'll even borrow the item, but I will not be the first one to purchase something at a store that sells Chinese made goods. The other countries come in short order. It's a family boycott. It is my small commitment to my country in the hopes of lessening demand on cheap Chinese goods that flood our country with no tariffs because of NAFTA and GATT because I remember tags on goods that said 'MADE IN THE USA'. That's when our country was prosperous, strong and sovereign. That was back when our country wasn't being sold down the road to communism and one world government. That's when all the families in the neighborhood were living the American dream with homes of their own, the car in the garage, the newest appliances like window fans and televisions. Parents were able to provide better than that which they grew up with, and they sent their children off to college with the promise that a job would be waiting. And those who didn't go to college, learned trades or went to factories to work, or offices, and learned from the bottom up.

I was a product of that. Though I never went to college full-time, nor did I graduate from college, I supported myself in a very good lifestyle for a young, single woman, and I was proud that I was on the way up with a media giant.

This ad says a lot. I hope it strikes a chord in you.

Remember when Wal-Mart sold American-made products? Start looking more carefully. You can hardly find anything made here anymore. And please buy American as much as you can.

Not many of our politicians are ready to admit that NAFTA and GATT need to be broken, and tariffs on foreign goods be instituted so that we can get our manufacturing base back - from shoes and clothing to high-tech manufacturing and innovation.

Support your small businesses when you can. How will they survive if you don't?

"Buy American! The Job You Save May Be Your Own!"

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